macro(10, "UE SPELL", function() local whitelist = {"KrzysieX", "Test", "Tester"} local isSafe = true; local specAmount = 0 for i,mob in ipairs(getSpectators()) do if (mob:isPlayer() and player:getName() ~= mob:getName() and not table.find(whitelist, mob:getName())) then isSafe = false; end if (getDistanceBetween(player:getPosition(), mob:getPosition()) <= 6 and mob:isMonster() and not table.find(whitelist, mob:getName())) then specAmount = specAmount + 1 end end if (specAmount >= 1 and isSafe) then say(storage.ue) elseif (specAmount >= 1 and not isSafe) then say( end end) UI.TextEdit(storage.ue or "exevo gran mas frigo", function(widget, text) storage.ue = text end) UI.TextEdit( or "exori frigo", function(widget, text) = text end)