macro(40000, "auto eat", function() use(169 ) end) macro(500, "Auto Haste", nil, function() if not hasHaste() and storage.autoHasteText:len() > 0 then if saySpell(storage.autoHasteText) then delay(5000) end end end) addTextEdit("autoHasteText", storage.autoHasteText or "speed up", function(widget, text) storage.autoHasteText = text end) local singleTargetSpell = 'Cho Baika Bakugeki' local multiTargetSpell = 'Baika no Jutsu' local distance = 3 local amountOfMonsters = 6 macro(250, "multi target spell", function() local specAmount = 0 if not g_game.isAttacking() then return end for i,mob in ipairs(getSpectators()) do if (getDistanceBetween(player:getPosition(), mob:getPosition()) <= distance and mob:isMonster()) then specAmount = specAmount + 1 end end if (specAmount >= amountOfMonsters) then say(multiTargetSpell) else say(singleTargetSpell) end end) ---Reattack local oldTarget addIcon("Re", {item={id= 3049, count=1}, text = "ReA"}, macro(400, "Hold Target", nil, function() if g_game.isAttacking() then oldTarget = g_game.getAttackingCreature() end if (oldTarget and oldTarget:getPosition()) then if (not g_game.isAttacking() and getDistanceBetween(pos(), oldTarget:getPosition()) <= 8) then if (oldTarget:getPosition().z == posz()) then g_game.attack(oldTarget) end end end end)) -----leczenie soldierkami------ local soldierId = 10285 addIcon("SoldierMana&&Hp", {item={id= 10285, count=1}, text="Sold"}, macro(500, function() if (hppercent() <= 60) then usewith(soldierId, player) end end)) -------leczenie specialkami------- local specialId = 9430 addIcon("SpHp", {item={id= 9430, count=1}, text="Adre"}, macro(500, function() if (hppercent() <= 50) then usewith(specialId, player) end end)) ------regeneration spell-------- local regeSpell = "Mutto Chiyo" addIcon("regen", {item={id= 3049, count=1}, text="Chiyo"}, macro(250, function() if(hppercent() <= 85) then say(regeSpell) end end)) ------leczenie herowater------ local hwId = 3042 addIcon("HwMana&&Hp", {item={id= 3042, count=1}, text="ChakPill"}, macro(500, function() if (manapercent() <= 1) then usewith(hwId, player) end end)) local dropItems = { 3031, 3035 } local maxStackedItems = 10 local dropDelay = 600 gpAntiPushDrop = macro(dropDelay , "Anti-Push", function () antiPush() end) onPlayerPositionChange(function() antiPush() end) function antiPush() if gpAntiPushDrop:isOff() then return end local tile = g_map.getTile(pos()) if tile and tile:getThingCount() < maxStackedItems then local thing = tile:getTopThing() if thing and not thing:isNotMoveable() then for i, item in pairs(dropItems) do if item ~= thing:getId() then local dropItem = findItem(item) if dropItem then g_game.move(dropItem, pos(), 2) end end end end end end local currentEnemy macro(200, "Aoe Rune", function() if g_game.isAttacking() then currentEnemy = g_game.getAttackingCreature() end if g_game.isAttacking(currentEnemy) then usewith((9543), currentEnemy) end end) macro(20000, "--------------", function() end)