! function() { "use strict"; const e = () => void 0 !== window.Engine, t = (e, t, i, s) => { var n; n = e[t], e[t] = function(...e) { "function" == typeof i && i.apply(this, e); let t = n.apply(this, arguments); return "function" == typeof s && s.call(this, e, t), t } }, i = t => { const i = e() ? window.Engine.map.d.visibility : window.map.visibility; if (0 === i) return !0; const { x: s, y: n } = e() ? window.Engine.hero.d : window.hero; return Math.abs(s - t.x) <= i && Math.abs(n - t.y) <= i }, s = e => e > 19 && e < 30, n = e => { if (e < 1) return "0:00"; let t = Math.floor(e / 3600), i = Math.floor(e / 60) % 60; return t > 0 && i < 10 && (i = "0" + i), (t > 0 ? t + ":" : "") + i + ":" + ("0" + e % 60).substr(-2) }, o = () => { document.title = "Margonem MMORPG" }, r = ({ cid: t, aid: i, world: s }) => { if (c() === t && l() === i && d() === s) return window.message("JesteĹ juĹź na tej postaci"); const n = () => { const e = new Date; e.setTime(e.getTime() + 2592e6), setCookie("mchar_id", t, e, "/", "margonem.pl"), i !== l() && window.setCookie("user_id", i, e, "/", "margonem.pl"), s !== d() ? window.location.replace(`https://${s}.margonem.pl`) : window.location.reload() }, o = (e() ? Engine.hero.d.guest : hero.guest) ? "logout" : "loginSubstitute"; if (i !== l()) { const e = window.getCookie("hs3"); fetch("https://www.margonem.pl/ajax/" + o, { method: "POST", mode: "no-cors", body: `h2=${e}&security=true`, headers: { "content-type": "application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8" }, credentials: "include" }).then(n) } else n() }, a = ({ id: e = "", name: t = "", world: i }) => e + t + i, d = () => e() ? Engine.worldConfig.getWorldName() : g.worldname, l = () => e() ? window.getCookie("user_id") : g.aid, c = () => e() ? Engine.hero.d.id : hero.id, m = () => e() ? Engine.lock : g.lock, h = (t, i) => { e() ? (i = i.map((e, t) => ({ txt: 0 === t ? "Tak" : "Nie", callback: () => (e(), !0) })), window.mAlert(t, i)) : window.mAlert(t, 2, i) }; function p(e, t) { void 0 === t && (t = {}); var i = t.insertAt; if (e && "undefined" != typeof document) { var s = document.head || document.getElementsByTagName("head")[0], n = document.createElement("style"); n.type = "text/css", "top" === i && s.firstChild ? s.insertBefore(n, s.firstChild) : s.appendChild(n), n.styleSheet ? n.styleSheet.cssText = e : n.appendChild(document.createTextNode(e)) } } var u = { multiplier: 1, opacity: .6, size: 14, title: !0, floating: !1, floatingPos: { x: 0, y: 0 }, alwaysActive: !1, moveBookmarks: !0, highlight: !0, highlightTime: 30, deleteTime: 90, volume: .2, alertRespawn: !1, alertRespawnUrl: "https://cronus.margonem.com/sounds/elite2_here.mp3", alertHighlight: !1, alertHighlightUrl: "https://cronus.margonem.com/sounds/abbys.mp3", elitesFirst: !0, firstRun: !0 }; var w = new class { constructor() { this.storage = e() ? API.Storage : window.margoStorage, this.settings = this.storage.get("timer2/settings", u), this.emitter = (() => { const e = {}; return { on(t, i) { e[t] || (e[t] = []), e[t].push(i) }, emit(t, i) { let s = e[t]; s && s.forEach(e => e(i)) } } })() } get(e) { return window.isset(this.settings[e]) ? this.settings[e] : this.getDefault(e) } set(e, t) { this.settings[e] = t, this.storage.set("timer2/settings", this.settings), this.emitter.emit(e, t) } getDefault(e) { return window.isset(u[e]) ? u[e] : null } reset(e) { this.set(e, this.getDefault(e)) } resetAll() { Object.entries(u).forEach(([e, t]) => { this.set(e, t) }) } }, A = [{ key: "multiplier", type: "text", label: "MnoĂĹĄÄšĹnik czasu odrodzenia" }, { key: "opacity", type: "slider", label: "PrzezroczystoĂĹĄĂÂÄÂĂÂ", min: .3, max: .9, step: .01 }, { key: "size", type: "slider", label: "WielkoĂĹĄĂÂÄÂĂ tekstu", min: 8, max: 16, step: 1 }, { key: "title", type: "checkbox", label: "WyĂĹĄĂÂwietlaj ostatni wpis w tytule karty" }, { key: "floating", type: "checkbox", label: "PĂĹĄĂÂywajÄÂĂ cy minutnik" }, { key: "alwaysActive", type: "checkbox", label: "Interfejs minutnika zawsze aktywny" }, { key: "moveBookmarks", type: "checkbox", label: "PrzesuĂĹĄĂ zakĂĹĄĂÂadki (np. druĂĹĄÄšĹyny, konsoli)", interface: "old" }, { key: "highlight", type: "checkbox", label: "PodĂĹĄĂÂwietlaj wpis zbliĂĹĄÄšĹajÄÂĂ cy siÄÂĂ do koĂĹĄĂÂca" }, { key: "highlightTime", type: "text", label: "Czas podĂĹĄĂÂwietlenia wpisu [s]" }, { key: "deleteTime", type: "text", label: "Czas do usuniÄÂĂÂcia wpisu [s]" }, { key: "alertRespawn", type: "checkbox", label: "Alert dĂĹĄÄšÂwiÄÂĂÂkowy po odrodzeniu" }, { key: "alertHighlight", type: "checkbox", label: "Alert dĂĹĄÄšÂwiÄÂĂÂkowy po podĂĹĄĂÂwietleniu" }, { key: "alertRespawnUrl", type: "text", label: "ĂĹĄĂÂcieĂĹĄÄšĹka do alertu odrodzenia", audio: !0 }, { key: "alertHighlightUrl", type: "text", label: "ĂĹĄĂÂcieĂĹĄÄšĹka do alertu podĂĹĄĂÂwietlenia", audio: !0 }, { key: "volume", type: "slider", label: "GĂĹĄĂÂoĂĹĄĂÂnoĂĹĄĂÂÄÂĂ alertĂÂÄšÂw", min: .05, max: 1, step: .01 }]; var b = new class { constructor() { this.sounds = {}, this.block = !1 } load(e) { this.sounds[e] = new Audio(e) } unload(e) { this.sounds[e] && delete this.sounds[e] } play(e) { if (this.block) return; this.block = !0, this.sounds[e] || this.load(e); const t = this.sounds[e]; t.pause(), t.currentTime = 0, t.volume = w.get("volume"), t.play().then(() => { this.block = !1 }).catch(() => { this.block = !1 }) } }, f = ["Czarna Wilczyca", "Karhu", "Vulk", "MrĂÂÄšÂwcza KrĂÂÄšÂlowa", "Astratus", "KotoĂĹĄĂÂak Tropiciel", "PaladyĂĹĄĂÂski Apostata", "Cerber", "Herszt rozbĂÂÄšÂjnikĂÂÄšÂw", "WilkoĂĹĄĂÂak", "Tollok Shimger", "DowĂÂÄšÂdca Ghuli", "Wilcza Jagoda", "Thowar", "Gnom Figlid", "Wilcza Paszcza", "Krogor", "Nocny Puff", "Vonaros", "Lisz", "Kraken", "Tarrol Agze", "Brzeginia", "Topielica Nelumbo", "MrĂÂÄšÂwka KrĂÂÄšÂlowa", "ĂĹĄĂÂowca SkĂÂÄšÂr", "ZarzÄÂĂ dca Magazynu", "Duchowy PoĂĹĄÄšĹeracz", "Berog Astron", "Mnich Czarnego Uroku", "Selder", "Centaur Zyfryd", "Henry Kaprawe Oko", "Cheperu", "Pomylony MiĂĹĄĂÂ", "Zabalsamowany wyznawca Seta", "Marid", "Szkielet bosmana", "ZarzÄÂĂ dca KazamatĂÂÄšÂw", "Moloch Klucznik", "Demiurg cretula", "Demoniczny StraĂĹĄÄšĹnik", "StraĂĹĄÄšĹnik MaddokĂÂÄšÂw", "Szafirowa Bolita", "PotÄÂĂÂĂĹĄÄšĹny Furbol"]; var y = new class { constructor() { this.storage = e() ? API.Storage : window.margoStorage, this.disabled = this.storage.get("timer2/disabledElites", {}), this.userElites = this.storage.get("timer2/userElites", []) } check(e) { return this.isElite(e) && !this.isDisabled(e) } isElite(e) { return f.includes(e) || this.userElites.includes(e) } isDisabled(e) { return e in this.disabled } add(e) { if (!e || this.isElite(e)) throw new Error("Elite is already on the list"); return this.userElites.push(e), this.storage.set("timer2/userElites", this.userElites), !0 } remove(e) { const t = this.userElites.indexOf(e); if (t < 0) throw new Error("Elite is not on the user list"); return this.userElites.splice(t, 1), this.storage.set("timer2/userElites", this.userElites), !0 } setState(e, t) { if (!this.isElite(e)) throw new Error("Elite is not on the list"); return !0 === t ? this.disabled[e] = !0 : this.isDisabled(e) && delete this.disabled[e], this.storage.set("timer2/disabledElites", this.disabled), !0 } }; class x { constructor() { this.lock = m() } toggle() { this.$wnd ? e() ? this.newWnd.isShow() ? this.newWnd.hide() : this.newWnd.show() : this.$wnd ? this.$wnd.toggle() : this.init() : this.init(), this.toggleLock() } toggleLock() { this.lock.check("timer-settings") ? this.lock.remove("timer-settings") : this.lock.add("timer-settings") } init() { this.$wnd = $('
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