Untitled - MARKUP 2.32 KB
                                    [b]The battle between Rzza(64w) and Aesalions(64w) has begun[/b]
[b]The battle between Rzza(64w) and Aesalions(64w) has begun[/b]
[b]No Glory reward - players from same guild.[/b]
Rzza performs Instant Hit.

Rzza(100%) strikes with a strength of  +1983 
   +Angel Touch   
Aesalions(89%) suffers  -1418  damage

[b]  Recovered 180 health points to Aesalions(90%)  
[b]Aesalions - lost a turn[/b]
[b]   Angel Touch: restored 0 health points Rzza(100%)   
Rzza performs Stunning Blow.
  -558  damage to Aesalions(86%).
+Combination x1!

Rzza(100%) strikes with a strength of  +2204 
   +Angel Touch   
Aesalions(73%) suffers  -1635  damage

[b]  Recovered 171 health points to Aesalions(74%)  
[i]Aesalions performs Destructive Strike.
[i]Aesalions(74%) strikes with a strength of  +1585 
+Armor reduced by 55
Rzza(95%) suffers  -851  damage
[b]  Recovered 62 health points to Rzza  
   Angel Touch: restored 789 health points Rzza(100%)   
Rzza performs Battle Cry.

Rzza(100%) strikes with a strength of  +1554 
Aesalions(66%) suffers  -1002  damage

[b]  Recovered 162 health points to Aesalions(68%)  
[i]Aesalions performs Destructive Strike.
[i]Aesalions(68%) strikes with a strength of  +1756 
+Armor reduced by 55
  -Dazzle in next round  
Rzza(94%) suffers  -1059  damage
[b]  Recovered 59 health points to Rzza  
   Angel Touch: restored 1000 health points Rzza(100%)   
Rzza performs Stunning Blow.
  -558  damage to Aesalions(63%).
+Combination x1!

Rzza(100%) strikes with a strength of  +3644 
  +Critical hit  
+21 energy
Aesalions(39%) suffers  -3059  damage

[b]  Recovered 153 health points to Aesalions(40%)  
[b]Aesalions - lost a turn (stun reduction 16%)[/b]
[b]   Angel Touch: restored 0 health points Rzza(100%)   
Rzza performs Instant Hit.

Rzza(100%) strikes with a strength of  +1887 
Aesalions(30%) suffers  -1325  damage

Rzza performs Stunning Blow.
  -558  damage to Aesalions(26%).
+Combination x1!

Rzza(100%) strikes with a strength of  +7466 
  +Critical hit  
   +Very Critical Hit   
+21 energy
-Destroyed 4 energy points
Aesalions(0%) suffers  -6868  damage

[b]Rzza is the winner[/b]
[b]Aesalions is the loser[/b]

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