
Guest 79 13th Jan, 2025

                         import requests
import pandas as pd

# Funkcja do pobierania danych meczowych z API
def fetch_match_data(season):
    url = f"https://api.openligadb.de/getmatchdata/bl1/{season}"
    response = requests.get(url)
    if response.status_code == 200:
        return response.json()
        print(f"Błąd w zapytaniu dla sezonu {season}: {response.status_code}")
        return []

# Funkcja do wyciągania danych i formatowania
def process_match_data(matches):
    data = []
    for match in matches:
        match_id = match.get("MatchID")
        league_id = match.get("LeagueID")
        league_season = match.get("LeagueSeason")
        team1 = match.get("Team1", {}).get("TeamName")
        team2 = match.get("Team2", {}).get("TeamName")

        # Wyniki meczu
        match_results = match.get("MatchResults", [])
        points_team1 = None
        points_team2 = None
        if match_results:
            points_team1 = match_results[0].get("PointsTeam1")
            points_team2 = match_results[0].get("PointsTeam2")

        # Gole
        goals = match.get("Goals", [])
        goal_data = "; ".join([f"{goal['Minute']}': {goal['GoalGetterName']} ({goal['Team1']})" for goal in goals])

        # Lokalizacja
        location = match.get("Location", {}).get("LocationCity")

        # Dodanie danych do listy
            "MatchID": match_id,
            "LeagueID": league_id,
            "LeagueSeason": league_season,
            "Team1": team1,
            "Team2": team2,
            "PointsTeam1": points_team1,
            "PointsTeam2": points_team2,
            "Goals": goal_data,
            "Location": location
    return data

# Pobranie danych dla wybranych sezonów
seasons = [2022, 2023, 2024]
all_matches = []
for season in seasons:
    matches = fetch_match_data(season)
    processed_data = process_match_data(matches)

# Konwersja do DataFrame i zapis do CSV
df = pd.DataFrame(all_matches)
df.to_csv("bundesliga_matches.csv", index=False)
print("Dane zapisane do pliku bundesliga_matches.csv")
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