Guest 184 24th Sep, 2024
Start Temple - Done ---
Start items - Done ---
Transform System - Done ---
Reborn System i dodanie ze trzeba miec transform = 0 zeby moc zrobic reborn - Done ---
Crafting room - Done ---
Attack Speed - Done ---
Bronie w Source (Przelicznik) - Done ---
poi - Done ---
PQ - DONE ---
FPQ - DONE ---
SPQ - DONE ---
Items temple - Done ---
Kasyno + logi (zeby zapisywalo date/godzine/nagrode/nick) - Done (dodac tylko itemy)
Zamasu quest -
Enchant broni -
Hit set - Dodany teleport oraz bossy ( DODAC ITEMY !!)
Target Quest -
Mwall - DONE?
High Quality items quest -
Wymyslic inny enchant itemow
Golden freeza set -
Necklace quest - Zostalo zostac zmienic mozliwe itemy do zbierania i dodac necklace jako itemy!
Potara quest -
Sagi -
Boss Immunity -
Daily items - Done ---
Item Task -
Monster Task -
Secret Island - ?
Dodatkowy Crystal bAr - DONE ---
Spells przed i po rebie - Done (mozna dorobic wiecej jak na tenkaiu)
loot z mobow od nowa -
Black Weapons - (Quest done tylko zrobic bronie!!!!)
Attack Speed Jako quest na bronie oraz dodac bronie do weapons.xml -
Spell damage przelicznik jak na tenkaiu - DONE?
vocation tak jak na tenkaiu - DONE
Dodac itemy zeby dawaly BONUS EXP -
Death Channel - Done
Autoloot - Done
Special Spells -
Special Spells quest -
Party nie zadaja sobie damage - DONE ---
Exp stage -
Sprawdzic ile daja moby expa -
bp senzu - DONE
naprawienie aola - DONE
PVP / PVE RANKS - Done (trzeba zmienic pkt od ilu itp )
Mega power up - (Dodac przelicznik od transa) - DONE ---
Aio / Aio full - DONE ---
Broadcaster - DONE ---
Shenron zmiana nagrod oraz questa POTRUDNIC!!!! -
Kule - Done ---
Corpse - DONE ---
Dodac BAGI -
Daily Reward - Done
Aura + Wingi = scentrowac!!!
!!!!!!!!!! Drown - Spell Damage !!!!!!!!!!
!!!!!!!!!! Physical - Weapon Damage !!!!!!!!!!
Bonus spells -
Chou maretsugeki -
Mystic chou Maretsugeki -
Death Flash (effekty gonia gracza) - DONE ---
Furious slash - done
Soul Punisher -
Mystic Death Flash - (tylko drzwi zostaly do zrobienia zeby wejsc)
Double Flash -
Shenlong Attack -
Item shop -
attack upgrade - DONE ---
perfect attack upgrade 100% - DONE ---
Boss Immunity
Quest Box
EQ Box - done
Casino Box
Doll Box
Infinity ring of loss
Aury - ??
Exp boost - Done
Stamina - Done
Sety - itemy
Golden Freeza Set -
Enchanted golden freeza set - ???
Enchanted Hit set - ???
Hit Set -
Zeno Set -
Warrior set
Cell Set -
High Quality Set
Janemba Set
Galactic Set
Ace Set
Mystic set
Zamasu Set
android armor / trunk armor / kai suit / vegeta armor / c16 armor / saiyan armor / Fury c18 armor / kibi armor / piccolo helmet / mgw helmet / mystic piccolo helmet / pui pui helmet / majin buu legs / assassin legs/ brolly legs / c17 armor
super fury legs / defense armor / legendary cap / sport boots / magic robe / red joggers / sport armor / black armor / red bandana / golden boots
Bronie -
Bloody Dark
Fire / earth / water
Enchanted ancient
Tokar sword/ Majin glove / Magic tokar sword / kamikaze glove / spirit ball / goku stick / small glove / buu glove / castet / silver glove / saiyan glove/ skull glove / glove of lies / runed sword / glove/ blade glove / protect glove / power glove
warlord sword / blade sword / destruction glove /sword
Saiyan power / ki blast / makankosappo + BLACK
Premium players
More xp 15% - Done
Daily Reward - Done
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