
Guest 166 9th Oct, 2024

                         Written by a mad mage.
Gar - stranger
Nagurz - visited
Umog - left
Narat - person
Urzog - me/his
Muzgubog - book
Nagumog - left
Mogumog ci nagarag - can give it to you
Thumog - if
Nagarumag - something
Umogumog - I can
Umogag umoggarag mogumoggarag  - mysterious ? fetish ?
Written by a warlock.
Yamorog - magic
Umogag - there is
Thumog - a
Nagarumag - strange
Dargurolak - ritual
Mogatul - carried
Glubag - many
Urzog - with
Nagorag - them
Talosag - talons
Tharzog - and
Umog - why
Nagurz - one-eyed
Atul - ugly
Nagarumag - we don't like them
Written by an unknown mage.
Muzgubogatul - our desert
Urgrun - is full of
Nargoth - mysteries
Umog Snarguz - ancient trolls
Yamorog - magic
Thalakag - our city
Dargurolak - wizards
Nagurz - part
Glubag - of strange
Thumog - however/but
Nagarumag - now
Umogurz - zombies
Umogag - finally
Nag: I/my/mine/me
Narat: kill (maybe)
Umog: one/once/one time/first (additional numbers are defined by adding a tu- to the word. E.g.: 3 is tutumog)
Mog: zero
Yargoth: lion (maybe)
Narz: red
Buzgob: green
Orolu: gold
Shura: blue
Urbum: yellow
Yagla: yes
Glub: no/not/none
Mogurz: place or maybe throne
Orzog: Thirsty, dying or something like that (maybe)
Atul: Fast, quickly or help (maybe)
Mob: need (?)
Mula: Water/Drink (?)
Gar: probably something like "stranger" or "outsider" ?
Written by Ghorak.
History - Zoragash
Yamor - Hello/hi
Yalar : bye
Quest - Nag'glokash
Language - Naratog
Trolls - Snargog
Ancient trolls - Umog Snargog
Warlocks - Dargurolag
Magic - Yamorog
Desert - Muzerdop
Jakundaf - Jakundaf
King - Gurnak
City - Thalag
Thais - Thais
Tibia - Tibia
Pits of inferno - Gorbul Narzogog
Narz: red Buzgob: green Orolu: gold Shura: blue Urbum: yellow
Yagla: yes
Glub: no/not/none
Mogurz: place
Atul: Fast, quickly or help (maybe)
Mob: need (?)
Mula: Water/Drink (?)
Zula: food
Gar: propably something like a stranger
Muzgubog - Book 
Mysterious voodoo skull - Umogag umoggarag mogumoggarag
Mulaber - Beer
uczy podczas pisania z nim:
10:49 Ghorak: Grab a piece of paper then my gar I mean stranger. Ok so, if you want to say hi you just say yomar, and yalar for bye. Thalag is the city and snargog is a troll. Meanwhile in my job mula is drink and Zula is food. Yagla is yes and glub stands for no. I know also some colors if you need. 
10:50 Ghorak: narz is red, buzgob is green, orolu the gold color, shura means blue and urbum is yellow.
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