src/ ├── app/ # Next.js app directory (App Router) │ └── [lang]/ # Dynamic route for language selection (en, pl, nl) │ ├── globals.css # Global CSS styles │ ├── layout.tsx # Root layout component with language context │ ├── page.tsx # Home page component - main landing page │ ├── services/ # Services pages │ │ ├── page.tsx # Services overview page │ │ └── [service]/ # Dynamic route for individual service pages │ │ └── page.tsx # Individual service page component │ ├── about/ # About page │ │ └── page.tsx # About page component │ └── contact/ # Contact page │ └── page.tsx # Contact page component ├── config/ # Configuration files - check here for existing settings │ ├── settings.json # Global application settings │ ├── navigation.json # Navigation structure configuration │ ├── images.ts # Image paths and metadata - add new images here │ └── dictionaries/ # Language dictionaries - add translations here │ ├── en.json # English translations (add new strings here for English) │ ├── pl.json # Polish translations (add new strings here for Polish) │ └── nl.json # Dutch translations (add new strings here for Dutch) ├── lib/ # Library code and utilities │ ├── i18n/ # Internationalization utilities │ │ ├── i18n.tsx # i18n configuration and context - check for translation logic │ └── hooks/ # Custom React hooks - reuse these in components │ ├── useTranslation.ts # Hook for accessing translations │ └── useScrollToElement.ts # Client-side hook for smooth scrolling ├── components/ # Reusable UI components - use these for consistent UI │ ├── header/ # Header components │ │ └── index.tsx # Main header component │ ├── footer/ # Footer components │ │ └── index.tsx # Main footer component │ ├── navigation/ # Navigation components │ │ └── index.tsx # Main navigation component │ └── ui/ # UI components library - check here before creating new UI elements │ ├── button.tsx # Button component │ └── ... # Other UI components ├── blocks/ # Larger page sections/blocks - use these for page layouts │ ├── hero/ # Hero section components │ │ ├── HeroFull.tsx # Full-width hero component │ │ ├── HeroStandard.tsx # Standard hero component │ │ ├── HeroSimple.tsx # Simple hero component │ │ ├── HeroImage.client.tsx # Client-side hero image component │ │ └── CtaButton.client.tsx # Client-side CTA button component │ ├── services/ # Services section components │ │ └── Services.tsx # Services overview component │ ├── gallery/ # Gallery components │ │ ├── ServiceGallery.tsx # Service gallery component │ │ └── GalleryClient.tsx # Client-side gallery component │ └── contact/ # Contact section components │ └── ContactForm.client.tsx # Client-side contact form component └── utils/ # Utility functions - check here for helper functions ├── api.ts # API utility functions └── helpers.ts # General helper functions