#Author. SIR1PACMAN #Version. 1.1 #https://minecraftserwery.pl/ #https://wklejamy.pl/ options: perm: bblock #(English) - Permissions for admin. (Polish) - Permisja dla admina, z nia mozesz przeladowac skrypt :) msg: &cYou don't have permission for this! &7Ask administratol if you fing is error! #(English) - Message for player when is us command.(Polish) - Wiadomosc kiedy gracz użyje komendy pl i podobnych nazwa: Bblock #(English) - Name of skript in the catalog scripts. (Polish) - Nazwa skryptu w katalogu scripts. perm: bblock on command: if command is "plugins" or "pl" or "gc" or "info" or "news" or "eabout" or "lag" or "mem" or "memory" or "?" or "bukkit:pl" or "bukkit:plugins" or "bukkit:me" or "bukkit:help" or "bukkit:?" or "bukkit:op" or "bukkit:kill" or "bukkit:about" or "bukkit:ver" or "bukkit:version" or "help": if player is op: stop else: cancel event send "{@msg}" else: stop command /bblock: permission: {@perm} permission message: {@msg} trigger: execute player command "/sk reload {@nazwa}" wait 1 tick send "&aReloading succeful &7{@nazwa}" #(English) - You can change this message (Polish) - Możesz zmienić tą wiadomość