
Guest 152 19th Jan, 2023

                         #!/usr/bin/env /home/mnguyen/MGLTools-1.5.6/bin/pythonsh
# $Header: /opt/cvs/python/packages/share1.5/AutoDockTools/Utilities24/prepare_ligand4.py,v 1.10 2010/07/31 00:14:13 rhuey Exp $
import os 

from MolKit import Read

from AutoDockTools.MoleculePreparation import AD4LigandPreparation

if __name__ == "__main__":
    import sys
    import getopt

    def usage():
        "Print helpful, accurate usage statement to stdout."
        print ("Usage: prepare_ligand4.py -l filename")
        print ("    Description of command...")
        print ("         -l     ligand_filename (.pdb or .mol2 or .pdbq format)")
        print ("    Optional parameters:")
        print ("        [-v]    verbose output")
        print ("        [-o pdbqt_filename] (default output filename is ligand_filename_stem + .pdbqt)")
        print ("        [-d]    dictionary to write types list and number of active torsions ")
        print ("        [-A]    type(s) of repairs to make:\n\t\t bonds_hydrogens, bonds, hydrogens (default is to do no repairs)")
        print ("        [-C]    do not add charges (default is to add gasteiger charges)")
        print ("        [-p]    preserve input charges on atom type, eg -p Zn")
        print ("        (default is not to preserve charges on any specific atom type)")
        print ("        [-U]    cleanup type:\n\t\t nphs_lps, nphs, lps, "" (default is ",nphs_lps,") ")
        print ("        [-B]    type(s) of bonds to allow to rotate ")
        print ("               (default sets ",backbone," rotatable and ",amide," + ",guanidinium," non-rotatable)")
        print ("        [-R]    index for root")
        print ("        [-F]    check for and use largest non-bonded fragment (default is not to do this)")
        print ("        [-M]    interactive (default is automatic output)")
        print ("        [-I]    string of bonds to inactivate composed of ")
        print ("                   of zero-based atom indices eg 5_13_2_10  ")
        print ("                   will inactivate atoms[5]-atoms[13] bond ")
        print ("                               and atoms[2]-atoms[10] bond ")
        print ("                      (default is not to inactivate any specific bonds)")
        print ("        [-Z]    inactivate all active torsions     ")
        print ("                      (default is leave all rotatable active except amide and guanidinium)")
        print ("        [-g]    attach all nonbonded fragments ")
        print ("        [-s]    attach all nonbonded singletons: ")
        print ("                   NB: sets attach all nonbonded fragments too")
        print ("                      (default is not to do this)")

    # process command arguments
        opt_list, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], "l:vo:d:A:Cp:U:B:R:MFI:Zgsh")
    except (getopt.GetoptError, msg):
        print ("prepare_ligand4.py: %s" %msg)

    # initialize required parameters
    #-l: ligand
    ligand_filename =  None
    # optional parameters
    verbose = None
    add_bonds = False
    #-A: repairs to make: add bonds and/or hydrogens
    repairs = ""
    #-C  default: add gasteiger charges 
    charges_to_add = "gasteiger"
    #-p preserve charges on specific atom types
    #-U: cleanup by merging nphs_lps, nphs, lps
    cleanup  = "nphs_lps"
    #-B named rotatable bond type(s) to allow to rotate
    #allowed_bonds = ""
    allowed_bonds = "backbone"
    #-r  root
    root = "auto"
    #-o outputfilename
    outputfilename = None
    #-F check_for_fragments
    check_for_fragments = False
    #-I bonds_to_inactivate
    bonds_to_inactivate = ""
    #-Z inactivate_all_torsions
    inactivate_all_torsions = False
    #-g attach_nonbonded_fragments
    attach_nonbonded_fragments = False
    #-s attach_nonbonded_singletons
    attach_singletons = False
    #-m mode 
    mode = "automatic"
    #-d dictionary
    dict = None

    for o, a in opt_list:
        #print "o=", o, " a=", a
        if o in ("-l", "--l"):
            ligand_filename = a
            if verbose: print ("set ligand_filename to ", a)
        if o in ("-v", "--v"):
            verbose = True
            if verbose: print ("set verbose to ", True)
        if o in ("-o", "--o"):
            outputfilename = a
            if verbose: print ("set outputfilename to ", a)
        if o in ("-d", "--d"):
            dict = a
            if verbose: print ("set dict to ", a)
        if o in ("-A", "--A"):
            repairs = a
            if verbose: print ("set repairs to ", a)
        if o in ("-C", "--C"):
            charges_to_add = None
            if verbose: print ("do not add charges")
        if o in ("-p", "--p"):
            if verbose: print ("preserve initial charges on ", preserve_charge_types)
        if o in ("-U", "--U"):
            cleanup  = a
            if verbose: print ("set cleanup to merge ", a)
        if o in ("-B", "--B"):
            allowed_bonds = a
            if verbose: print ("allow ", a, "bonds set to rotate")
        if o in ("-R", "--R"):
            root = a
            if verbose: print ("set root to ", root)
        if o in ("-F", "--F"):
            check_for_fragments = True
            if verbose: print ("set check_for_fragments to True")
        if o in ("-M", "--M"):
            mode = a
            if verbose: print ("set mode to ", a)
        if o in ("-I", "--I"):
            bonds_to_inactivate = a
            if verbose: print ("set bonds_to_inactivate to ", a)
        if o in ("-Z", "--Z"):
            inactivate_all_torsions = True
            if verbose: print ("set inactivate_all_torsions to ", inactivate_all_torsions)
        if o in ("-g", "--g"):
            attach_nonbonded_fragments = True
            if verbose: print ("set attach_nonbonded_fragments to ", attach_nonbonded_fragments)
        if o in ("-s", "--s"):
            attach_singletons = True
            if verbose: print ("set attach_singletons to ", attach_singletons)
        if o in ("-h", "--"):

    if not  ligand_filename:
        print ("prepare_ligand4: ligand filename must be specified.")

    if attach_singletons:
        attach_nonbonded_fragments = True
        if verbose: print ("using attach_singletons so attach_nonbonded_fragments also")
    mols = Read(ligand_filename)
    if verbose: print ("read ", ligand_filename)
    mol = mols[0]
    if len(mols)>1:
        if verbose: 
            print ("more than one molecule in file")
        #use the one molecule with the most atoms
        ctr = 1
        for m in mols[1:]:
            ctr += 1
            if len(m.allAtoms)>len(mol.allAtoms):
                mol = m
                if verbose:
                    print ("mol set to ", ctr, "th molecule with", len(mol.allAtoms), "atoms")
    coord_dict = {}
    for a in mol.allAtoms: coord_dict[a] = a.coords

    if charges_to_add is not None:
        preserved = {}
        preserved_types = preserve_charge_types.split(",") 
        for t in preserved_types:
            if not len(t): continue
            ats = mol.allAtoms.get(lambda x: x.autodock_element==t)
            for a in ats:
                if a.chargeSet is not None:
                    preserved[a] = [a.chargeSet, a.charge]

    if verbose:
        print ("setting up LPO with mode=", mode,)
        print ("and outputfilename= ", outputfilename)
        print ("and check_for_fragments=", check_for_fragments)
        print ("and bonds_to_inactivate=", bonds_to_inactivate)
    LPO = AD4LigandPreparation(mol, mode, repairs, charges_to_add, 
                            cleanup, allowed_bonds, root, 
                            dict=dict, check_for_fragments=check_for_fragments,
    #do something about atoms with too many bonds (?)
    #FIX THIS: could be peptide ligand (???)
    #          ??use isPeptide to decide chargeSet??
    if charges_to_add is not None:
        #restore any previous charges
        for atom, chargeList in preserved.items():
            atom._charges[chargeList[0]] = chargeList[1]
            atom.chargeSet = chargeList[0]
    if verbose: print( "returning ", mol.returnCode )
    bad_list = []
    for a in mol.allAtoms:
        if a in coord_dict.keys() and a.coords!=coord_dict[a]: 
    if len(bad_list):
        print (len(bad_list), " atom coordinates changed!"  )  
        for a in bad_list:
            print (a.name, ":", coord_dict[a], " -> ", a.coords)
        if verbose: print ("No change in atomic coordinates")
    if mol.returnCode!=0: 

# To execute this command type:
# prepare_ligand4.py -l pdb_file -v
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