# Polskie tłumaczenie SIR1PACMAN # https://minecraftserwery.placeholder # https://mcyou.pl # https://wklejamy.pl # # Resource page: https://www.spigotmc.org/resources/authors/315463/ # Discord: https://discord.gg/B4MAJVk # # If you encounter any issues, please report them # to discord support server or via pm. # Bugs or issues are mostly fixed within hours. # # # Here you can edit the whole GUI. # You can set GUI titles, the size and # item names, lores, materials and slots. # Don't remove any values or keys. # # You also can add new items to your GUI. # This can be done under gui..s. # The name needs to be unique in this section. # Example: # # gui: # lands: # title: '&8Your Lands' # size: 27 # s: # close: # name: '&cClose' # lore: # - '&7Close this menu.' # - ' ' # - '&8- &7You can open it again' # - ' &7with &8/&3Lands menu&7.' # material: 'RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' # slot: 9 # # Please note: You need to set all values # otherwise Lands will auto generate values. # Also you can't set items where list items # are configured. Means if for example the # list in the Lands GUI goes from slot # 10 - 12 you can set any items with # the slot 10, 11, 12. They will be ignored. # # # You also can apply new placeholders. # This can be done under gui..p. # The name needs to be unique in this section. # Example: # # gui: # lands: # p: # placeholder_1: # material: 'GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE' # from: 1 # to: 9 # # Please note: You need to set all values # otherwise Lands will auto generate values. # Also you can't set items where list items # are configured. Means if for example the # list in the Lands GUI goes from slot # 10 - 12 you can set any items with # the slot 10, 11, 12. They will be ignored. # Added enabled: false to a item to disable it. # You can set every item as a custom head: # Visit /https://minecraft-heads.com/custom-heads # Then copy the 'value:' and paste it at 'material:' # # # If you encounter any issues or you simply have # some questions, contact me via PM or Discord. # Discord: https://discord.gg/B4MAJVk general: wYes: Tak wNo: Nie none: '&cBrak' now: '&aTeraz' enabled: '&aWłączone' disabled: '&cWyłączone' unlimited: '&aNielimitowane' previous: '&8Poprzednie' offline: '&cOffline' role: owner: '&4Właściciel' admin: '&cAdministrator' member: '&eCzłonek' visitor: '&7Gość' war: defenders: '&aObrońcy' attackers: '&cAtakujący' physical-Item: claim-block: name: '&bBlok zajmowania' lore: - '&7Z tym blokiem' - '&7możesz zająć chunk' - '&7stawiając go' - '&7na dzikim terenie.' - ' ' - '&7Właściciel:&a {owner}' material: GRASS_BLOCK skull: role: owner: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmJjMzExYTRmYjljNDkzODliNGY0NThjMjllOTY4MzI0YzU4MjNiOGE5OWVhZGUxNzQ3ODY2Yzk1YjA2NGEifX19 admin: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvM2UzZmVhODhlMmI4NWNjZGZiMWIzODcyOTgyZWFlMTY0ODlhODRjNjgxYmQ5ZmU0ZmU5YmM4YmNjMmU1In19fQ== member: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjFhZGZkZjA3MTE3NWFkYWQ2NDRmZTRiM2E5NzMxYWM2YThmYTQ3NTExNjJlODEzOGM4OTlmYmFhNWZmMGI5In19fQ== visitor: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= gui: main: title: '&8Główne menu' size: 27 s: lands: name: '&8> &2Tereny' lore: - '&7Zobacz swoje tereny.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Menu wyświetla Twoje' - ' &7tereny i tereny' - ' &7których jesteś członkiem.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0= slot: 11 all-lands: name: '&8> &bWszystkie tereny' lore: - '&7Zobacz każdy stworzony teren' - '&7na tym serwerze.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYzljODg4MWU0MjkxNWE5ZDI5YmI2MWExNmZiMjZkMDU5OTEzMjA0ZDI2NWRmNWI0MzliM2Q3OTJhY2Q1NiJ9fX0= slot: 13 invites: name: '&8> &6Zaproszenia' lore: - '&7Zobacz swoje wszystkie' - '&7otrzymane zaproszenia.' material: WRITABLE_BOOK slot: 15 close: name: '&cZamknij' lore: - '&7Zamknij to menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Możesz otworzyć je ponownie' - ' &7za pomocą &3/&3Lands menu&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 9 enabled: true p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 f: limitation: name: '&8> &6Twoje Ograniczenia' lore: - ' ' - '&7+ Create&3 {ownlands} &7lands.' - ' &8lands.ownlands.NUMBER' - '&7+ Claim&3 {chunks} &7chunks per land.' - ' &8lands.chunks.NUMBER' - '&7+ Support lands, in which you''re trusted,' - ' &7with &3{support-chunks} &7chunks per land.' - ' &8lands.chunks.support.NUMBER' - ' ' - '&7+ Join&3 {lands} &7lands.' - ' &8lands.lands.NUMBER' - '&7+ Have&3 {members} &7members per land.' - ' &8lands.members.NUMBER' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 17 player_lands: title: '&8Twoje tereny' size: 27 s: {} f: page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia strona' lore: - '&7Udaj się do poprzedniej str.:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna strona:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 21 page_next: name: '&aNastępna strona' lore: - '&7Udaj się do następnej str.:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna strona:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 25 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do...' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 l: object: name: '&2{land}' lore: - '&7Jesteś dodany do tego terytorium.' - ' ' - '&7Chunki:&3 {chunks} &7/&c {max-chunks}' - ' ' - '&9PRAWY KLIK' - '&7Zobacz podstawowe' - '&7informacje o tym' - '&7terytorium.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMWFiNDNiOGMzZDM0ZjEyNWU1YTNmOGI5MmNkNDNkZmQxNGM2MjQwMmMzMzI5ODQ2MWQ0ZDRkN2NlMmQzYWVhIn19fQ== from: 10 to: 18 own-land: name: '&2{land}' lore: - '&7Jesteś właścicielem tego terenu.' - ' ' - '&7Chunki:&3 {chunks} &7/&c {max-chunks}' - ' ' - '&9PRAWY KLIK' - '&7Zobacz podstawowe' - '&7informacje o tym' - '&7terytorium.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0= from: 10 to: 18 no-land: name: '&cBrak terytoriów' lore: - '&8- &7Aby stworzyć terytorium użyj:' - ' &3/&3Lands create &8<&3name&8>' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aby dodać cię do innego terytorium:' - ' &3/&3Lands trust {player}' material: OAK_SIGN from: 10 to: 18 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 19 to: 27 land: title: '&8{land}' size: 45 s: information: name: '&6Informacje' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz zobaczyć' - '&7kilka szczegółowych informacji' - '&7o tym terytorium.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzU3NDcwMTBkODRhYTU2NDgzYjc1ZjYyNDNkOTRmMzRjNTM0NjAzNTg0YjJjYzY4YTQ1YmYzNjU4NDAxMDVmZCJ9fX0= slot: 11 trusted-players: name: '&8> &6Zaufani gracze' lore: - '&7Lista zaufanych graczy.' - '&7Bez wyjątku do jakiego terenu należą.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= slot: 14 invites: name: '&8> &6Zaproszenia' lore: - '&7Cofnij wysłane zaproszenia' - '&7lub zobacz informacje' - '&7o nich.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Te zaproszenia' - ' &7dodają zaufanego gracza' - ' &7na całym terytorium.' material: WRITABLE_BOOK slot: 15 management: name: '&6Zarządzanie' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz zarządzać swoim terenem.' - '&7Możesz dodawać zaufanych, przypisywać role' - '&7i edytować ustawienia terenu' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTRkNDliYWU5NWM3OTBjM2IxZmY1YjJmMDEwNTJhNzE0ZDYxODU0ODFkNWIxYzg1OTMwYjNmOTlkMjMyMTY3NCJ9fX0= slot: 29 land-settings: name: '&8> &6Ustawienia terytorium' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz zmienić ustawienia' - '&7takie jak spawn mobów.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0= slot: 31 roles: name: '&8> &6Globalne role' lore: - '&7Zobacz globalne role.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Globalne role są automatycznie' - ' &7dodawane do każdego terytorium.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= slot: 32 taxes: name: '&8> &6Globalny czynsz' lore: - '&7Zobacz globalny czynsz.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Globalne opłaty są naliczane' - ' &7za każdy chunk ' - ' &7jaki posiadasz.' material: GOLD_INGOT slot: 33 various: name: '&8> &6Różne' lore: - '&7Zmień nazwę terytorium lub' - '&7ustaw nowy tytuł.' material: BEACON slot: 34 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 45 placeholder_2: material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 12 to: 12 placeholder_3: material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 30 to: 30 f: areas: name: '&8> &6Obszary' lore: - '&7Zobacz wszystkie obszary tego terytorium.' - '&7Możesz również tworzyć' - '&7nowe obszary w tym menu.' - ' ' - '&7Rozmiar:&3 {chunks} &7/&c {max-chunks}' material: OAK_FENCE slot: 13 inbox: name: '&8> &6Odebrane &8(&e{amount}&8)' lore: - ' ' - '{inbox}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmJmM2ZjZGNjZmZkOTYzZTQzMzQ4MTgxMDhlMWU5YWUzYTgwNTY2ZDBkM2QyZDRhYjMwNTFhMmNkODExMzQ4YyJ9fX0= slot: 16 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 37 land_areas: title: '&8Obszary' size: 36 s: {} f: create: name: '&aStwórz obszar' lore: - '&7Stwórz nowy obszar' - '&7dla tego terenu.' - ' ' - '&7Dostępne:&3 {areas} &8/&c {max}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjA1NmJjMTI0NGZjZmY5OTM0NGYxMmFiYTQyYWMyM2ZlZTZlZjZlMzM1MWQyN2QyNzNjMTU3MjUzMWYifX19 slot: 32 delete: name: '&cUsuń obszar' lore: - '&7Usuń obszar tego terytorium.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0= slot: 33 page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia strona' lore: - '&7Wróć do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna str.:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNastępna strona' lore: - '&7Idź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna str.:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 35 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 l: object: name: '&6{area}' lore: - '&7Otwórz menu' - '&7dla tego obszaru.' material: OAK_FENCE from: 10 to: 27 area-setup: name: '&cUstawienie:&6 {area}' lore: - '&7Brak przydzielonego' - '&7terytorium do obszaru.' - ' ' - '&7Użyj &8/&3Lands selection' - '&7Aby użyć selekcji' - '&3/&3Lands selection assign {area}' - '&7Aby przypisać obszar do terytorium.' material: ACACIA_FENCE from: 10 to: 27 no-area: name: '&cBrak stowrzonych obszarów' lore: - '&7Te terytorium nie ma' - '&7żadnych obszarów.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aby stworzyć nowy obszar' - ' &7Naciśnij dodawanie obszaru' - ' &7below.' material: ACACIA_FENCE from: 10 to: 27 a: failure_untrusted: name: '&4Zablokowane: &cBrak zaufania' lore: - '&cNie jesteś upoważniony do' - '&cotwierania menu dla tego obszaru.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Musisz mieć zaufanie' - ' &7na tym obszarze.' - '&8- &7Skontaktuj się z właścicielem' - ' &7terytorium po pomoc.' failure_max-areas: name: '&4Błąd: &cMax. obszarów' lore: - '&7To terytorium osiągnęło max' - '&7wartość&3 {max} &7Obszarów.' - ' ' - '&8Uprawnienie: lands.areas.NUMBER' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 29 to: 36 area: title: '&8Obszar {area}' size: 45 f: back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 37 s: information: name: '&6Informacje' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz zobaczyć' - '&7kilka szczegółowych informacji' - '&7o tym obszarze. To pomaga' - '&7śledzić wszystkie rzeczy' - '&7na tym obszarze.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzU3NDcwMTBkODRhYTU2NDgzYjc1ZjYyNDNkOTRmMzRjNTM0NjAzNTg0YjJjYzY4YTQ1YmYzNjU4NDAxMDVmZCJ9fX0= slot: 11 trusted-players: name: '&8> &6Zaufani Gracze' lore: - '&7Wyświetl listę wszystkich graczy, którzy' - '&7są zaufani w tym konkretnym obszarze.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= slot: 13 invites: name: '&8> &6Zaproszenia' lore: - '&7Cofnij wysłane zaproszenia' - '&7lub po prostu przejrzyj informacje' - '&7o nich.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Te zaproszenia' - ' &7mogą zaufać graczy' - ' &7na tym obszarze.' material: WRITABLE_BOOK slot: 14 management: name: '&6Zarządzanie' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz zarządzać tym obszarem. Możesz' - '&7zaufać graczy, przypisuj role, edytuj ustawienia ziemi' - '&7lub ustal podatki dla tego obszaru.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTRkNDliYWU5NWM3OTBjM2IxZmY1YjJmMDEwNTJhNzE0ZDYxODU0ODFkNWIxYzg1OTMwYjNmOTlkMjMyMTY3NCJ9fX0= slot: 29 land-settings: name: '&8> &6Ustawienia Działek' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz edytować ogólne' - '&7ustawienia takie jak spawnowanie mobów.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0= slot: 31 roles: name: '&8> &6Role' lore: - '&7Zobacz role na tym obszarze.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Globalne role są automatycznie' - ' &7dodane do tego obszaru.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= slot: 32 taxes: name: '&8> &6Podatki' lore: - '&7Zobacz podatki w tym obszarze.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Podatki są obliczane' - ' &7na obszar.' material: GOLD_INGOT slot: 33 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 45 placeholder_2: material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 12 to: 12 placeholder_3: material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 30 to: 30 area_players: title: '&8{area} &7- &8Zaufani Gracze' size: 36 l: object: name: '&e{player}' lore: - '&7Rola: {role}' - '&7Zaufany na całym terenie: {global}' - ' ' - '&bKLIKNIJ LEWYM' - '&7▲ Promouj' - ' ' - '&9KLIKNIJ PRAWYM' - '&7▼ Degraduj' - ' ' - '&7Użyj środkowego guzika' - '&7myszki, aby zdobyć' - '&7więcej informacji.' material: PLAYER_HEAD from: 10 to: 27 no-player: name: '&cBrak Zaufanych Graczy' lore: - '&7Nie ma żadnych zaufanych' - '&7gracze jeszcze.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Kliknij przycisk zaufania' - ' &7poniżej, aby zaufać graczowi' - ' &7do tej tdziałki.' material: OAK_SIGN from: 10 to: 27 a: failure_role-weight: name: '&4Błąd: &cWaga roli' lore: - '&7Nie możesz edytować roli' - '&3{role}&7. &7Ma wyższy' - '&7priorytet niż twój.' noaccess_setrole: name: '&4Błąd: &cBrak pozwolenia' lore: - '&7Nie możesz tego robić.' - '&7Właściciel działki może ci dać' - '&7pozwolenie na to.' failure_max-players: name: '&4Błąd: &cMaksymalna liczba graczy' lore: - '&7Ta działka osiągnęła maksimum' - '&7liczba of&3 {max} &7członków.' - ' ' - '&8Uprawnienie: lands.members.LICZBA' f: trust: name: '&8> &aZaufaj Gracza' lore: - '&7Kliknij tutaj, aby zaufać' - '&7gracz w tym obszarze.' - ' ' - '&7Dostępne:&3 {players} &8/&c {max}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTkyZTMxZmZiNTljOTBhYjA4ZmM5ZGMxZmUyNjgwMjAzNWEzYTQ3YzQyZmVlNjM0MjNiY2RiNDI2MmVjYjliNiJ9fX0= slot: 32 untrust: name: '&8> &cUsuń Gracza' lore: - '&7Kliknij tutaj, aby nusunąć' - '&7gracz z tego obszaru.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0= slot: 33 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNatsępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 35 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 29 to: 36 area_invites: title: '&8Zaproszenia' size: 36 f: send: name: '&aWyślij zaproszenie' lore: - '&7Wyślij zaproszenie do gracza' - '&7aby dodać go do tej działki.' - ' ' - '&7Dostępne:&3 {players} &8/&c {max}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTkyZTMxZmZiNTljOTBhYjA4ZmM5ZGMxZmUyNjgwMjAzNWEzYTQ3YzQyZmVlNjM0MjNiY2RiNDI2MmVjYjliNiJ9fX0= slot: 32 page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 34 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 l: object: name: '&6{player}' lore: - '&7Edytuj to zaproszenie lub' - '&7po prostu wyświetl informacje.' material: BOOK from: 10 to: 27 no-invite: name: '&cNie wysłano zaproszeń' lore: - '&7Nie wysłano jeszcze' - '&7zaproszeń do graczy.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aby zaprosić graczy kliknij' - ' &7przycisk zaproszenia poniżej.' material: OAK_SIGN from: 10 to: 27 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 27 to: 36 area_invite: title: '&8Zaproszono {player}' size: 27 s: revoke: name: '&8> &cOdwołaj zaproszenie' lore: - '&7Kliknij tutaj aby anulować' - '&7to zaproszenie.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0= slot: 12 f: info: name: '&8> &6Informacje' lore: - '&7Area:&e {area}' - '&7Działka: {land}' - ' ' - '&7Czas:&5 {time}' - '&7Wysyłający: {sender}' material: OAK_SIGN slot: 16 back: name: '&cBWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 a: failure_noAccess: name: '&4Odmowa: &bOdwołaj zaproszenie' lore: - '&cNie wolno tobie' - '&codwołać zaproszenia na tym' - '&cterenie.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Potrzebujesz pozwolenia' - ' &7aby usunąć gracza' - ' &7z tej działki.' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 area_roles: title: '&8{area} &7- &8Role' size: 27 l: object: name: '&7{role}' lore: - '&7Kliknij tutaj, aby edytować tę rolę.' material: PLAYER_HEAD from: 10 to: 18 f: back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7GWróć do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 21 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 26 create: name: '&8> &aStwórz Role' lore: - '&7Kliknij tutaj, aby utworzyć' - '&7nową role. Zostaniesz poprowadzony' - '&7poprzez konfigurację roli.' - ' ' - '&7Dostępne:&3 {roles} &8/&c {max}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYjA1NmJjMTI0NGZjZmY5OTM0NGYxMmFiYTQyYWMyM2ZlZTZlZjZlMzM1MWQyN2QyNzNjMTU3MjUzMWYifX19 slot: 23 delete: name: '&cUsuń Role' lore: - '&7Usuń role na' - '&7tym terenie.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0= slot: 24 a: failure_max-roles: name: '&4Błąd: &cMax Role' lore: - '&7Ta kraina osiągnęła maksimum' - '&7aliczba&3 {max} &7ról.' - ' ' - '&8Uprawnienie: lands.roles.LICZBA' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 19 to: 27 role: title: '&8{role}' size: 36 f: back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 icon: name: '&8> &6Ikona' lore: - '&7Kliknij tutaj, aby zmienić' - '&7ta ikona roli.' material: STONE slot: 17 s: information: name: '&6Informacje' lore: - '&7Zobacz niektóre informacje' - '&7o tej roli i' - '&7edytuj członków roli.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzU3NDcwMTBkODRhYTU2NDgzYjc1ZjYyNDNkOTRmMzRjNTM0NjAzNTg0YjJjYzY4YTQ1YmYzNjU4NDAxMDVmZCJ9fX0= slot: 12 members: name: '&8> &6Członkowie / Role' lore: - '&7Wyświetl wszystkich członków z rolami.' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 15 management_info: name: '&6Zarządzanie' lore: - '&7Tutaj możesz edytować aktualne' - '&7ustawienia roli.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTRkNDliYWU5NWM3OTBjM2IxZmY1YjJmMDEwNTJhNzE0ZDYxODU0ODFkNWIxYzg1OTMwYjNmOTlkMjMyMTY3NCJ9fX0= slot: 21 settings: name: '&8> &6Ustawienia' lore: - '&7Edytuj ustawienia roli.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZjM2YjgyMWMxYWZkZDVhNWQxNGUzYjNiZDBhMzIyNjNjOGRmNWRmNWRiNmUxZTg4YmY2NWU5N2IyN2E4NTMwIn19fQ== slot: 24 management: name: '&8> &6Ustawienia Zarządzania' lore: - '&7Edytuj ustawienia zarządzania' - '&7dla tej roli. To zawiera' - '&7zaufanie graczom lub innymi' - '&7sprawami administracyjnymi.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTZkOTZlYWM1YTcwMTY4NDM3Y2NmZmFlZTBlN2ZjNWFjNWMwMjJmNDI5ZTNlZDkyOWNkNTE4OTRhMmRkNmQ4In19fQ== slot: 26 a: no-item: name: '&cBrak przedmiotu w ręku' lore: - '&7Musisz mieć przedmiot' - '&7w twojej głównej ręce.' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 36 placeholder_2: material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 13 to: 13 placeholder_3: material: BLUE_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 22 to: 22 role_players: title: '&8{role} &7- &8Gracze' size: 36 l: object: name: '&e{player}' lore: - '&7Ten gracz obsługuje twoją ziemię' - '&7z &a{support} &7dodatkowymi roszczeniami.' material: PLAYER_HEAD from: 10 to: 27 f: back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 35 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 29 to: 36 role_settings: title: '&8{role} &7- &8Ustawienia' size: 36 s: {} f: page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 34 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 l: block_break: name: '&6Niszczenie Bloków' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7niszczenie bloków?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: IRON_PICKAXE from: 10 to: 27 block_place: name: '&6Stawianie Bloków' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7wstawianie bloków / budowanie?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: OAK_PLANKS from: 10 to: 27 block_ignite: name: '&6Podpalanie' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7podpalanie bloków?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: FLINT_AND_STEEL from: 10 to: 27 interact_general: name: '&6Ogólna Interakcja' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7interakcje?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: STRING from: 10 to: 27 interact_door: name: '&6Otwieranie Drzwi' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7otwieranie drzwi?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: IRON_DOOR from: 10 to: 27 interact_container: name: '&6Otwieranie Pojemników' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7otwieranie pojemników?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: CHEST from: 10 to: 27 interact_mechanism: name: '&6Używanie Redston' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7używanie dźwigni itp.?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: REDSTONE from: 10 to: 27 interact_villager: name: '&6Handel Z Wieśniakami' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7handel z wieśniakami?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: EMERALD from: 10 to: 27 attack_player: name: '&6Atakowanie Graczy' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7atakowanie graczy?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- UWAGA that due combat' - ' &7logging it might still be possible' - ' &7to fight inside your land,' - ' &7if a player attacked a other player' - ' &7outside the land.' - ' ' - '&8- &7They can only attack' - ' &7players which can' - ' &7also attack them.' material: IRON_SWORD from: 10 to: 27 attack_animal: name: '&6Atakowanie Zwierząt' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7atakowanie zwierząt?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: BOW from: 10 to: 27 fly: name: '&6Fly' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7użycie &8/&3Fly &7tutaj?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - '' - '&7Obecnie na serwerze nie ma' - '&7pozwolenia na latanie&c!' material: FEATHER from: 10 to: 27 land_enter: name: '&6Wejście Na Ten Teren' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7wejście na tą działkę?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: OAK_FENCE_GATE from: 10 to: 27 area_assign: name: '&6Przypisywanie Działek' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na tworzenie' - '&7obszarów oraz pozwolenie do' - '&7przypisywania ziem?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: OAK_FENCE from: 10 to: 27 player_trust: name: '&6Zaufaj Gracza' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7zaufanie innych graczy?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTkyZTMxZmZiNTljOTBhYjA4ZmM5ZGMxZmUyNjgwMjAzNWEzYTQ3YzQyZmVlNjM0MjNiY2RiNDI2MmVjYjliNiJ9fX0= from: 10 to: 27 player_setRole: name: '&6Ustaw Role' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7ustawianie rali dla graczy?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- &7Nie będą w stanie' - ' &7edytować roli, które mają' - ' &7wyższy priorytet niż ich.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNmFjNmY3NzVlOGFjZmRmNmUxZGVhYzgwYThkYTFmMzdiM2I0YmE1Y2FhNGEzNTI0OWY5ZWIxNDVjY2Y0M2RhNSJ9fX0= from: 10 to: 27 player_untrust: name: '&6Untrust Players' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7untrust players?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- &7They won''t be able' - ' &7to untrust players which' - ' &7have a higher role.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZTljZGI5YWYzOGNmNDFkYWE1M2JjOGNkYTc2NjVjNTA5NjMyZDE0ZTY3OGYwZjE5ZjI2M2Y0NmU1NDFkOGEzMCJ9fX0= from: 10 to: 27 setting_edit_land: name: '&6Edytuj Ustawienia Działki' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Pozwolić tej roli na' - '&7edycje ustawień działki?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0= from: 10 to: 27 setting_edit_role: name: '&6Edytuj Ustawienia Ról' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7APozwolić tej roli na' - '&7edycje ustawień ról?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- &7Gracz będzie w stanie' - ' &7edytować własne' - ' &7ustawienia ról' - ' ' - '&8- &7Powinieneś dać te' - ' &7uprawnienie tylko dla' - ' &7bardzo zaufanym graczom.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= from: 10 to: 27 setting_edit_advanced: name: '&6Edytuj Zaawansowane Ustawienia Roli' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Odblokowany: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7edit advanced role settings?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- &7You should only give' - ' &7this permission to' - ' &7very trustworthy players.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmJjMzExYTRmYjljNDkzODliNGY0NThjMjllOTY4MzI0YzU4MjNiOGE5OWVhZGUxNzQ3ODY2Yzk1YjA2NGEifX19 from: 10 to: 27 setting_edit_taxes: name: '&6Edit Taxes' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7edit taxes?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- &7You should only give' - ' &7this permission to' - ' &7very trustworthy players.' material: GOLD_INGOT from: 10 to: 27 land_claim: name: '&6Claim Land' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7claim chunks for this land?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: IRON_SHOVEL from: 10 to: 27 land_claim_border: name: '&6Claim Land at Border' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7claim chunks for their' - '&7lands directly at your' - '&7border?' material: IRON_BARS from: 10 to: 27 spawn_set: name: '&6Set Landspawn' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7edit the spawnpoint of this land?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: ENDER_EYE from: 10 to: 27 spawn_teleport: name: '&6Teleport to Spawn' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7teleport to the spawn?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' material: ENDER_PEARL from: 10 to: 27 balance_withdraw: name: '&6Withdraw Money from Land Bank' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7withdraw money from' - '&7the land bank?' - '&cKliknij aby przełączyć' - ' ' - '&8- &7Command:' - ' &8/&3Lands withdraw' material: GOLD_NUGGET from: 10 to: 27 a: failure_permission: name: '&4Failure: &cNo Permission' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to' - '&7edit this setting.' - ' ' - '&8Permission' - '&8{permission}' failure_noaccess: name: '&4Failure: &cNot Access' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to' - '&7edit these settings.' - ' ' - '&7The land owner needs to' - '&7allow you to do so.' - '&8Setting: {setting}' failure_role-weight: name: '&4Failure: &cRole Priority' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to' - '&7edit settings of this role.' - '&7It has a higher priority' - '&7than yours.' - ' ' - '&8Bypass: lands.admin.setting_edit_role' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 29 to: 36 settings_role_advanced: title: '&8Advanced Settings &7-> {role}' size: 27 s: {} f: page_previous: name: '&9Poprzedmia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 21 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 25 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 l: setting_edit_various: name: '&bEdit various Land Settings' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow this role to' - '&7edit various land settings?' - ' ' - '&8- &7Please note that they' - ' &7will be able to change the' - ' &7land name and title.' material: NAME_TAG from: 10 to: 18 a: failure_permission: name: '&4Failure: &cNo permission' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to' - '&7edit this setting.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You need permission' - ' &e{permission}&7.' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 19 to: 27 area_settings: title: '&8{area} &7- &8Land Settings' size: 27 s: {} f: page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 21 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 25 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 l: entity_griefing: name: '&6Entity Griefing' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow entities to' - '&7grief blocks?' - ' ' - '&8- &cNOTE: &7If entity griefing' - ' &7is enabled, they will be' - ' &7able to destroy your buildings.' material: CREEPER_HEAD from: 10 to: 18 tnt_griefing: name: '&6TNT Griefing' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow TNT blocks to' - '&7explode?' - ' ' - '&8- &cNOTE: &7If TNT griefing' - ' &7is enabled, players will' - ' &7be able to grief your' - ' &7land by using TNT cannons.' material: TNT from: 10 to: 18 piston_griefing: name: '&6Allow Pistons from Wilderness' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow pistons to grief blocks?' - ' ' - '&8- &cNOTE: &7If enabled, players' - ' &7can grief your land from' - ' &7wilderness by using' - ' &7pistons to push blocks' - ' &7inside your land.' material: PISTON from: 10 to: 18 waterflow_allow: name: '&6Allow Water from Wilderness' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow water from wilderness' - '&7to flow into your land?' - ' ' - '&8- &cNOTE: &7If enabled, players' - ' &7can grief your land from' - ' &7wilderness by using' - ' &7water.' material: WATER_BUCKET from: 10 to: 18 monster_spawn: name: '&6Monster Spawning' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow monsters to' - '&7spawn?' - ' ' - '&8- &cNOTE: &7Spawners are not' - ' &7influenced by this setting.' material: SPAWNER from: 10 to: 18 animal_spawn: name: '&6Animal Spawning' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - '&7Unlocked: {unlocked}' - ' ' - '&7Allow animals to' - '&7spawn?' - ' ' - '&8- &cNOTE: &7Spawners are not' - ' &7influenced by this setting.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvNWQ2YzZlZGE5NDJmN2Y1ZjcxYzMxNjFjNzMwNmY0YWVkMzA3ZDgyODk1ZjlkMmIwN2FiNDUyNTcxOGVkYzUifX19 from: 10 to: 18 a: failure_permission: name: '&4Failure: &cNo Permission' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to' - '&7edit this setting.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You need permission' - ' &e{permission}&7.' failure_noaccess: name: '&4Failure: &cNo Access' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to' - '&7edit these settings.' - ' ' - '&7The land owner needs to' - '&7allow you to do so.' - '&8Setting: {setting}' - ' ' - '&8Bypass permission: lands.admin.setting_edit_land' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 19 to: 27 area_taxes: title: '&8{area} &7- &8Podatki' size: 27 s: plus-1: name: '&aDodaj $1' lore: - '&7Add $1 to' - '&7tax value.' material: GLOWSTONE_DUST slot: 11 amount: 1 data: value: 1.0 plus-2: name: '&aDodaj $100' lore: - '&7Add $100 to' - '&7tax value.' material: GLOWSTONE_DUST slot: 12 data: value: 100.0 plus-3: name: '&aDodaj $1000' lore: - '&7Add $1000 to' - '&7tax value.' material: GLOWSTONE_DUST slot: 13 data: value: 1000.0 minus-3: name: '&cUsuń $1000' lore: - '&7Remove $1000 from' - '&7tax value.' material: REDSTONE slot: 15 data: value: 1000.0 minus-2: name: '&cUsuń $100' lore: - '&7Remove $100 from' - '&7tax value.' material: REDSTONE slot: 16 data: value: 100.0 minus-1: name: '&cUsuń $1' lore: - '&7Remove $1 from' - '&7tax value.' material: REDSTONE slot: 17 data: value: 1.0 f: back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 taxes: name: '&7Tax:&c ${tax}' lore: - '&7Next tax is in&5 {next-tax}&7.' - ' ' - '&7Next upkeep is in&5 {next-upkeep}&7.' - '&7Your land will pay&c ${costs}&7.' - ' ' - '&8- &3Taxes' - ' &7This is paid by land members,' - ' &7which are trusted in this area.' - ' ' - '&8- &3Upkeep costs' - ' &7This is paid by the land' - ' &7and to the server, in order to' - ' &7keep the land.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Players are paying' - ' &7only taxes for areas,' - ' &7in which they''re trusted.' material: GOLD_INGOT slot: 14 a: failure_maxValue: name: '&4Max Value reached' lore: - '&7You can''t set the tax' - '&7value higher than&3 {max}&7.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can ask an administrator' - ' &7to change this.' failure_cooldown: name: '&4Cooldown:&c You need to wait.' lore: - '&7You currently can''t change the' - '&7tax value. You need to wait' - '&b{time} &7hours.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can ask an administrator' - ' &7to change this.' failure_noaccess: name: '&4Failure:&c No Access' lore: - '&7You''re not allowed to edit' - '&7the taxes of this area.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You''re missing permission' - ' &7from the land owner to do so.' - ' &8Setting: {setting}' - ' ' - '&8Bypass permission: lands.admin.setting_edit_taxes' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 action-confirm: title: '&8Please confirm this Action' size: 27 s: info: name: '&bPlease confirm this action.' lore: - '&7Click &aConfirm &7to confirm or' - '&cAbort &7to abort this action.' material: OAK_SIGN slot: 14 l: yes_chunk: name: '&aConfirm' lore: - '&7Confirm this action.' - ' ' - '&8- &7If you''re the owner' - ' &7of this chunk, it will' - ' &7become wilderness.' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 10 to: 13 no_chunk: name: '&cAbort' lore: - '&7Abort this action.' - ' ' - '&8- &7If you''re the owner' - ' &7of this chunk, it will' - ' &7be deleted.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 15 to: 18 yes_war-state: name: '&aConfirm' lore: - '&7Confirm this action.' - ' ' - '&4NOTE: &cYour land will' - '&cneed to pay the tribute' - '&cin order to surrender.' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 10 to: 13 no_war-state: name: '&cAbort' lore: - '&7Abort this action.' - ' ' - '&7Do you really want to' - '&7surrender in this war?' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 15 to: 18 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 19 to: 27 player_invites: title: '&8Received Invites' size: 36 s: {} f: page_previous: name: '&9Previous Page' lore: - '&7Go to previous page:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNext Page' lore: - '&7Go to next page:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 34 back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 l: object: name: '&6{land}' lore: - '&7Edit this invite or' - '&7just view some information.' material: BOOK from: 10 to: 27 no-invite: name: '&cNo Invites received' lore: - '&7There aren''t any' - '&7received invites yet.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Players can invite' - ' &7you by executing:' - ' &8/&3Lands trust {player}' material: OAK_SIGN from: 10 to: 27 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 27 to: 36 player_invite: title: '&8Invite {land}' size: 27 f: info: name: '&8> &6Information' lore: - '&7Area:&6 {area}' - '&7Land: {land}' - ' ' - '&7Received:&5 {time}' - '&7Sender: {sender}' material: OAK_SIGN slot: 14 l: accept: name: '&aAccept' lore: - '&7Accept this invite.' - ' ' - '&7Tax value:&c ${tax}' material: LIME_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 10 to: 13 deny: name: '&cDeny' lore: - '&7Deny this invite.' - ' ' - '&7Tax value:&c ${tax}' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 15 to: 18 a: failure_lands: name: '&4Failure: &cLands Amount' lore: - '&7You can''t join this' - '&7land, because you reached' - '&7your maximum amount of' - '&3{max} &7lands you can' - '&7be part of.' - ' ' - '&8Permission:' - '&8lands.lands.NUMBER' failure_inviteOwner: name: '&4Failure: &cInvite Owner' lore: - '&7You can''t join this' - '&7land, because you''re' - '&7not allowed to have' - '&7your own land and' - '&7be part of another land.' - ' ' - '&8An administrator' - '&8can change that in the config.' failure_notTrusted: name: '&4Failure: &bNot complete' lore: - '&7Couldn''t trust you' - '&7in this land, because' - '&7they reached their' - '&7maximum value of&3 {max}&7.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Contact the land' - ' &7owner for help.' - ' ' - '&8Permission:' - '&8lands.members.NUMBER' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 player_info: title: '&8Player {player}' size: 27 s: close: name: '&cClose' lore: - '&7Close this menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can open it again' - ' &7with &8/&3Lands player' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 9 f: last_seen: name: '&8> &6Last seen' lore: - '&c{last-seen}' material: CLOCK slot: 12 lands: name: '&8> &6Lands &8(&7{amount}&8)' lore: - '{lands}' material: OAK_SIGN slot: 16 max-chunks: name: '&8> &6Maximum Chunk Claims' lore: - '&7This player can claim' - '&3{chunks} &7chunks.' - ' ' - '&8- &7If option chunks-addition' - ' &7is enabled in config, this player' - ' &7could support your land with' - ' &3{chunks} &7additional chunk claims.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMjE5ZTM2YTg3YmFmMGFjNzYzMTQzNTJmNTlhN2Y2M2JkYjNmNGM4NmJkOWJiYTY5Mjc3NzJjMDFkNGQxIn19fQ== slot: 14 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 land_info: title: '&8Land {land}' size: 45 f: back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '&e{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 37 close: name: '&cClose' lore: - '&7Close this menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can open it again' - ' &7with &8/&3Lands info {land}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 9 owner: name: '&4Owner&3 {player}' lore: - '&7They''re the owner of' - '&7this land. Contact' - '&7them, if you have any' - '&7questions.' material: PLAYER_HEAD slot: 12 players: name: '&8> &6Players &8(&7{amount}&8)' lore: - ' ' - '&e{players}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= slot: 16 created: name: '&8> &6Created' lore: - '&5{date}' material: CLOCK slot: 34 war: name: '&8> &6War Stats' lore: - ' ' - '&7Won:&7 {won}' - '&7Lost:&7 {lost}' - ' &7WLR:&3 {wlr}' - ' ' - '&7Kills:&7 {kills}' - '&7Deaths:&7 {deaths}' - ' &7KDR:&3 {kdr}' material: IRON_SWORD slot: 23 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 45 land_various: title: Various Settings size: 27 s: {} f: name: name: '&8> &6Land Name' lore: - '&7Set a new name' - '&7for this land.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current name:' - ' &a{name}' material: NAME_TAG slot: 12 title: name: '&8> &6Title Message' lore: - '&7Change the title' - '&7message of the land.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current title:' - ' {title}' - ' ' - '&7Available placeholders' - ' &8> &a%owner% &8= &7Land owner' - ' &8> &a%player% &8= &7Entering player' material: OAK_SIGN slot: 16 back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 global_lands: title: '&8All Lands' size: 54 s: close: name: '&cClose' lore: - '&7Close this menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can open it again by' - ' &7executing &8/&3Lands list&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 46 f: back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 46 toggle-allowed: name: '&6Show only public Lands?' lore: - '&7Show only lands where you''re' - '&7allowed to enter and teleport' - '&7to the land spawn?' - ' ' - '&7Click here to toggle this setting.' - '&7Only public: {only-allowed}' material: ENDER_PEARL slot: 50 page_previous: name: '&9Previous Page' lore: - '&7Go to previous page:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 48 page_next: name: '&aNext Page' lore: - '&7Go to next page:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 52 l: object: name: '&2{land}' lore: - '&bLEFT CLICK' - '&7Teleport to the land spawn' - '&7of this land.' - ' ' - '&9RIGHT CLICK' - '&7Open the land information' - '&7menu of this land.' - ' ' - '&7Title:' - '&7{title}' material: PLAYER_HEAD from: 10 to: 45 no-land: name: '&cNo Lands found' lore: - '&7There aren''t any created lands,' - '&7which match your filter.' - ' ' - '&8- &7To create a land execute:' - ' &8/&3Lands create &8<&3name&8>' material: PAPER from: 10 to: 45 a: failure_teleport_permission: name: '&4Denied: &cPermission' lore: - '&cYou''re not allowed to' - '&cteleport to this land spawn.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You need the permission' - ' &3{permission}&7.' - '&8- &7Contact an administrator' - ' &7for help.' failure_admin_permission: name: '&4Denied: &cAdmin Permission' lore: - '&cYou''re not allowed to' - '&copen the edit-menu for this land.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You need the permission' - ' &3{permission}&7.' - '&8- &7Contact an administrator' - ' &7for help.' failure_no-spawn: name: '&4Failure: &cNo Spawn set' lore: - '&cThis land has no spawn' - '&cset yet. They need to' - '&cset a land spawn first.' - ' ' - '&8- &7They can execute' - ' &8/&3Lands setspawn &7to' - ' &7set the lands spawn.' failure_teleport_cost: name: '&4Denied: &cCosts' lore: - '&cYou can''t afford to' - '&cteleport to this land spawn.' - ' ' - '&7You need&c ${costs}&7.' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 36 to: 54 war-state: title: '&8War' size: 27 s: close: name: '&cClose' lore: - '&7Close this menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can open it again by' - ' &7executing &8/&3Wars menu&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 f: attackers: name: '&8> &cAttackers' lore: - '&7View all attacking lands' - '&7of this war.' - ' ' - '&8- &eStats' - ' &7Lands: {attackers}' - ' &7Players: {players}' - ' ' - ' &7Kills: {kills}' - ' &7Deaths: {deaths}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYTU0OTQ3ZGU3ZjUyNTk4MjU1ZDZhZmVlOWQ3N2JlZmFkOWI0ZjI0YzBjNDY2M2QyOGJjZGY4YTY0NTdmMzQifX19 slot: 11 defenders: name: '&8> &aDefenders' lore: - '&7View all defending lands' - '&7of this war.' - ' ' - '&8- &eStats' - ' &7Lands: {defenders}' - ' &7Players: {players}' - ' ' - ' &7Kills: {kills}' - ' &7Deaths: {deaths}' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMzRkYmNiN2UxZmJlY2VhOWE3MzUwNDM2Y2JiZWEyYjQ5NmY3NGMyOTcyMDRmMWJiOWFjYzM4NzhkNTQyY2NiIn19fQ== slot: 13 info_declaration: name: '&8> &6Information' lore: - '&7The war starts in ' - '&5~{time}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Attackers can do these' - ' &7things in your land' - ' &8(&7configureable in config&8)&7:' - ' ' - '{settings}' material: IRON_SWORD slot: 15 info_war: name: '&8> &6Information' lore: - '&7The war ends in ' - '&5~{time}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Attackers can do these' - ' &7things in your land' - ' &8(&7configureable in config&8)&7:' - ' ' - '{settings}' material: IRON_SWORD slot: 15 tribute_attacker: name: '&8> &6Tribute:&a ${tribute}' lore: - '&7Change the tribute' - '&7value for this war.' - ' ' - '&8- &7A surrender will need to' - ' &7pay this value in order' - ' &7to surrender.' - ' ' - '&8- &9RIGHT CLICK' - ' &7If a attacker wants to' - ' &7surrender, they''ll need' - ' &7to pay&c ${tribute-att} &7to' - ' &7the defenders.' - ' ' - ' &8- &7If the value equals 0,' - ' &7the attackers are not' - ' &7allowed to surrender.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Tribute will be divided' - ' &7to all attackers: {divide}' material: GOLD_INGOT slot: 17 tribute_defender: name: '&8> &6Surrender:&c ${tribute}' lore: - '&7Click here to surrender' - '&7in this war.' - ' ' - '&8- &cA surrenderer will need to' - ' &cpay the tribute value of&c ${tribute}' - ' &cin order to surrender.' - ' ' - '&8- &7If the value equals 0:' - ' &7That means that the' - ' &7attackers don''t accept' - ' &7your surrender.' material: GOLD_INGOT slot: 17 back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 21 a: failure_permission: name: '&4Failure: &cNo Access' lore: - '&7This action can only' - '&7be executed by the land' - '&7owner of the initial' - '&7attacker land.' - ' ' - '&7Player:&b {owner}' failure_surrender-att: name: '&cFailure: &4Surrendering disabled' lore: - '&7Surrendering for attackers was' - '&7disabled in config.' failure_surrender: name: '&cFailure: &4Surrender rejected' lore: - '&7The initial attacker land' - '&7rejected your surrender.' - ' ' - '&7That''s because they don''t' - '&7accept any tribute.' failure_surrender-attacker: name: '&cFailure: &4Surrender rejected' lore: - '&7Attackers are not allowed' - '&7to surrender. Only defenders' - '&7can surrender.' failure_surrender-cost: name: '&cFailure: &4Surrender rejected' lore: - '&7Your land doesn''t have' - '&7enough money to pay the' - '&7tribute of&c ${tribute}&7.' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 war_lands: title: '&8{type}' size: 36 f: back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 page_previous: name: '&9Previous Page' lore: - '&7Go to previous page:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNext Page' lore: - '&7Go to next page:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Current:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 34 l: object: name: '&2{land}' lore: - '&7Open the land information' - '&7menu of this land.' - ' ' - '&8- &eStats' - ' &7Total players:&e {players}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Title:' - ' &7{title}' material: PLAYER_HEAD from: 10 to: 27 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 29 to: 36 war-declaration_tribute: title: '&8Tribute' size: 27 s: plus-1: name: '&aAdd $1' lore: - '&7Add $1 to the' - '&7tribute value.' material: GLOWSTONE_DUST slot: 11 amount: 1 data: value: 1.0 plus-2: name: '&aAdd $100' lore: - '&7Add $100 to the' - '&7tribute value.' material: GLOWSTONE_DUST slot: 12 data: value: 100.0 plus-3: name: '&aAdd $1000' lore: - '&7Add $1000 to the' - '&7tribute value.' material: GLOWSTONE_DUST slot: 13 data: value: 1000.0 minus-3: name: '&cRemove $1000' lore: - '&7Remove $1000 from' - '&7the tribute value.' material: REDSTONE slot: 15 data: value: 1000.0 minus-2: name: '&cRemove $100' lore: - '&7Remove $100 from' - '&7the tribute value.' material: REDSTONE slot: 16 data: value: 100.0 minus-1: name: '&cRemove $1' lore: - '&7Remove $1 from' - '&7the tribute value.' material: REDSTONE slot: 17 data: value: 1.0 close: name: '&cClose' lore: - '&7Close this menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can open it again by' - ' &7executing &8/&3Wars menu&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 f: tribute: name: '&bTribute:&c ${tribute}' lore: - '&7The defending land will need to' - '&7to pay this value in order to' - '&7surrender.' - ' ' - '&8- &7The maximum tribute for ' - ' &7this land is&3 ${max}&7.' - ' &7A server administrator can' - ' &7change that in the config.' - ' ' - '&cNOTE: &7If you set the tribute' - '&7value to 0, the defending land' - '&7won''t be able to surrender.' material: GOLD_INGOT slot: 14 send-declaration: name: '&aSend War Declaration' lore: - '&7Click here to send this' - '&7war declaration to the' - '&7enemy land.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvMTliZjMyOTJlMTI2YTEwNWI1NGViYTcxM2FhMWIxNTJkNTQxYTFkODkzODgyOWM1NjM2NGQxNzhlZDIyYmYifX19 slot: 27 abort-declaration: name: '&cAbort War Declaration' lore: - '&7Click here to abort this' - '&7war declaration.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvYmQ2OWUwNmU1ZGFkZmQ4NGU1ZjNkMWMyMTA2M2YyNTUzYjJmYTk0NWVlMWQ0ZDcxNTJmZGM1NDI1YmMxMmE5In19fQ== slot: 19 back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 a: max-tribute: name: '&4Max Value reached' lore: - '&7You can''t set the tribute' - '&7value higher than&3 {max}&7.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can ask an administrator' - ' &7to change this.' p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 nation: title: '{nation}' size: 27 f: back: name: '&cBack' lore: - '&7Go back to' - '&e{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 37 close: name: '&cClose' lore: - '&7Close this menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7You can open it again' - ' &7with &8/&3Lands info {land}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 9 s: lands: name: '&8> &eLands' lore: - '&7View all lands, which are' - '&7a member of this nation' material: GRASS_BLOCK slot: 12 war: name: '&8> &eCurrent War' lore: - '&7Get some information' - '&7about the current war.' - ' ' - '&7Show information about:' - '&8- &7The enemy nation' - '&8- &7Reward price' material: REDSTONE_BLOCK slot: 14 spawn: name: '&8> &eNation Spawn' lore: - '&7Click here to teleport' - '&7to your nation spawn.' material: ENDER_PEARL slot: 16 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 27 admin_wilderness: title: '&8Wilderness Settings' size: 9 s: player-settings: name: '&8> &6Player Settings' lore: - '&7Customize what players' - '&7should be able to do' - '&7in the wilderness.' slot: 3 material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvZThiOGM2YTQ2ZDg3Y2Y4NmE1NWRmMjE0Y2Y4NGJmNDVjY2EyNWVkYjlhNjc2ZTk2MzY0ZGQ2YTZlZWEyMzViMyJ9fX0= land-settings: name: '&8> &6Land Settings' lore: - '&7Here you can edit general' - '&7settings like mob spawning.' material: eyJ0ZXh0dXJlcyI6eyJTS0lOIjp7InVybCI6Imh0dHA6Ly90ZXh0dXJlcy5taW5lY3JhZnQubmV0L3RleHR1cmUvODQ0OWI5MzE4ZTMzMTU4ZTY0YTQ2YWIwZGUxMjFjM2Q0MDAwMGUzMzMyYzE1NzQ5MzJiM2M4NDlkOGZhMGRjMiJ9fX0= slot: 7 close: name: '&cZamknij' lore: - '&7Zamknij menu.' - ' ' - '&8- &7Możesz otworzyć ponownie' - ' &7użyj &8/&3Lands admin wilderness&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 9 enabled: true p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 admin_wilderness_player-settings: title: '&8Ustawienia Gracza' size: 36 l: object: name: '&6{setting}' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - ' ' - '&7Kliknij tutaj, aby zezwolić' - '&7lub zabraniać graczom robienia' - '&7to po za działką.' - ' ' - '&8Bypass: {bypass}' material: STONE from: 10 to: 27 f: page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 30 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 35 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 28 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 27 to: 36 admin_wilderness_land-settings: title: '&8Ustawienia Działek' size: 27 l: object: name: '&6{setting}' lore: - '&7Status: {enabled}' - ' ' - '&7Kliknij tutaj aby' - '&7przełączyć ustawienia.' material: STONE from: 10 to: 18 f: page_previous: name: '&9Poprzednia Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do poprzedniej strony:&9 {previous}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 21 page_next: name: '&aNastępna Strona' lore: - '&7Przejdź do następnej strony:&9 {next}' - ' ' - '&8- &7Aktualna:&3 {current}' material: ARROW slot: 25 back: name: '&cWróć' lore: - '&7Wróć do' - '{back}&7.' material: RED_STAINED_GLASS_PANE slot: 19 p: placeholder_1: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 1 to: 9 placeholder_2: material: GRAY_STAINED_GLASS_PANE from: 19 to: 27