Untitled - MARKUP 322.23 KB
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.mim {
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.yamin {
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.sassy-inner-header {
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.sassy-inner-about-section {
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.sassy-inner-hero-team-block {
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.block-1-part-2-image-wrapper {
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.block-1-image-wrapper {
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.sassy-inner-about-block-1 {
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.card-1-name-1 {
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.sassy-service-hero-section {
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.service-hero-content-wrapper {
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.workprocess-image-block-one {
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.workprocess-image-block-two {
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.sassy-service-custom-container {
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.service-choose-header-wrapper {
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.sassy-service-choose-section {
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.sassy-choose-card-one {
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.choose-card-two {
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.choose-card-two:hover {
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.choose-card-three {
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.choose-card-three:hover {
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.choose-card-one {
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.choose-text {
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.choose-heading {
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  font-family: Averta Bold, sans-serif;
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.sassy-service-testimonial-section {
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.sassy-service-partner-section {
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.partnership-logo-block {
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.service-price-content-wrapper {
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.service-price-button-one {
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.price-check-icon-one {
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.discount-stick-one {
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  width: 50px;
  height: 3px;
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  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
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.service-price-button-two:hover {
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.service-price-button-three {
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.service-details-image-block {
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.sassy-inner-team-section {
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.team-card-name {
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.inner-price-title {
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.pricing-swing-image {
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