
Guest 283 23rd Sep, 2022

                         // ==UserScript==
// @name         POŚCIG v3
// @version      xxx
// @description  xxx
// @author       ja
// @match        https://telawel.margonem.pl/
// @match        https://hypnos.margonem.pl/
// @grant        none
// ==/UserScript==

(function(d, _p, _nP, _r, _bM) {
    let tmparr = new Array();
    //elementy graficzne
    let box = d.createElement("span");
    box.id = "enepere123";
    box.style = "position: absolute; background: black; color: white; top: 0px; left: 0px; width: 300px; height: auto; font-size: 15px";
    let uciek = d.createElement("span");
    uciek.innerHTML = "UCIECZKA";
    uciek.style.fontWeight = "bold";
    uciek.tip = "Naciśnij podczas walki, aby po walce automatycznie uciec na Kwieciste Przejście.";
    //zmienne dla ucieczki
    let isUcieczka = false;
    let idZwoja;
    window.hero.searchPath1 = function(a, t) {
                if (this.isBlockedSearchPath()) return this.blockedInfoSearchPath();
                for (var h = [], i = 128 & hero.opt ? 8 : 20, r = Math.max(0, Math.min(a, this.x) - i), s = Math.min(map.x - 1, Math.max(a, this.x) + i), o = Math.max(0, Math.min(t, this.y) - i), e = Math.min(map.y - 1, Math.max(t, this.y) + i), d = r - 1; s + 1 >= d; d++) {
                    h[d] = [];
                    for (var x = o - 1; e + 1 >= x; x++) h[d][x] = !(d >= r && s >= d && x >= o && e >= x) || isset(g.npccol[d + 256 * x]) || map.col && "0" != map.col.charAt(d + x * map.x) ? -2 : -1
                h[this.x][this.y] = 0, b = -1, road = [];
                for (var c = {
                    x: -1,
                    y: -1,
                    dist: 99
                }, y = 1; s - r + e - o + 3 > y; y++)
                    for (var d = r; s >= d; d++)
                        for (var x = o; e >= x; x++) {
                            if (-1 != h[d][x] || h[d][x - 1] != y - 1 && h[d][x + 1] != y - 1 && h[d - 1][x] != y - 1 && h[d + 1][x] != y - 1 || (h[d][x] = y), h[a][t] > 0) {
                                d = s + 1;
                            c.dist2 = Math.abs(a - d) + Math.abs(t - x), h[d][x] == y && c.dist2 < c.dist && (c.x = d, c.y = x, c.dist = c.dist2)
                if (c.hdist = Math.abs(a - hero.x) + Math.abs(t - hero.y), h[a][t] > 0 || c.dist < c.hdist) {
                    h[a][t] < 0 && (a > c.x ? b = 2 : a < c.x ? b = 1 : t > c.y ? b = 0 : t < c.y && (b = 3), a = c.x, t = c.y), road[0] = {
                        x: a,
                        y: t
                    for (var f = h[a][t] - 1, l = a, m = t; f > 0; f--) h[l][m - 1] == f ? m-- : h[l][m + 1] == f ? m++ : h[l - 1][m] == f ? l-- : h[l + 1][m] == f ? l++ : f = 0, f && (road[h[a][t] - f] = {
                        x: l,
                        y: m
                road.length > 1 && null == g.playerCatcher.follow && $("#target").stop().css({
                    left: 32 * a,
                    top: 32 * t,
                    display: "block",
                    opacity: 1
    uciek.addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (g.battle) {
            if (!isUcieczka) {
                for (let i in g.item) {
                    if (g.item[i].loc == "g" && g.item[i].name == "Zwój teleportacji na Kwieciste Przejście") {
                        isUcieczka = true;
                        idZwoja = i;
                        uciek.style.color = "green";
                        uciek.innerHTML = "UCIECZKA AKTYWNA";
            } else {
                uciek.style.color = "white";
                uciek.innerHTML = "UCIECZKA";
                isUcieczka = false;
    let dane = d.createElement("span");
    let style = d.createElement("style");
    style.innerHTML = ".adison9711:hover{background:#686868}";
    //zmienna numeracji
    let number;
    //zmienne dla poscigu
    let oid = 0;
    let ox;
    let oy;
    let hx;
    let hy;
    let walczacy = [];
    //anulowanie poscigu
    d.querySelector("#nick").addEventListener("click", function() {
        if (oid != 0) {
            oid = 0;
            message(`Przerwałeś pościg!`);
    //zmienne dla hero/tytan i syrena
    let audio = new Audio();
    audio.src = ""; //"http://www.adiwilk.pl/js/syrena.mp3";
    let szczur = d.createElement("span");
    szczur.id = "adison_zarcik";
    szczur.style = "position: absolute; background-color: blue; top: 100px; right: 100px; color: white; font-size: 35px; display: none; text-align: center; padding: 10px; cursor: pointer";
    szczur.innerHTML = "Wyłącz syrenę";
    szczur.addEventListener("click", function() {
        szczur.style.display = "none";

    //stworzenie spana dla osoby
    function wyjebPodswietlenie() {
        for (let i in g.other) {
            d.querySelector(`#other${i}`).style.backgroundColor = "";

    function createOtherSpan(nr, id, nick, klan, relacja, lvl, profa, prawa) {
        //caly div
        let sp = d.createElement("span");
        sp.innerHTML = `<br>${nr}. `;
        //nick i relacja(style tez)
        let nickname = d.createElement("span");
        nickname.innerHTML = `${nick}`;
        nickname.tip = "Naciśnij, aby napisać do tej osoby.";
        nickname.addEventListener("click", function() {
        nickname.style.fontWeight = "bold";
        if (prawa > 0) {
            sp.style.background = "gold";
        switch (relacja) {
            case "fr":
                sp.style.background = "#02cf39";
                nickname.style.background = "#296639";
            case "en":
                sp.style.background = "#ff0000";
                nickname.style.background = "#912d2d";
            case "cl":
                sp.style.background = "#00aeff";
                nickname.style.background = "#36657a";
        if(klan == "Anioły Ciemności" || klan == "Archanioły Ciemności" || klan == "Nowe Porządki" || klan == "Libertas" || klan == "Zwykły Klan") {
                sp.style.background = "#ff0000";
                nickname.style.background = "#912d2d";

        //lvl i profa
        let lvlpr = d.createElement("span");
        lvlpr.innerHTML = ` ${lvl}${profa} `;

        let odle = d.createElement("span");
        let licz = Math.round(Math.sqrt(Math.pow(g.other[id].x - hero.x, 2) + Math.pow(g.other[id].y - hero.y, 2)));
        odle.innerHTML = `[Odl.: ${licz}] `;
        odle.tip = "Naciśnij, aby podejść."
        odle.addEventListener("click", function() {
            window.hero.searchPath1(g.other[id].x, g.other[id].y);

        let forposcig = d.createElement("span");
        forposcig.innerHTML = `[ATAKUJ]`;
        forposcig.tip = "Naciśnij, aby aktywować pościg."

        var enemyLvl = Math.round(hero.lvl - (16 + ((hero.lvl - 100) / 5)));
        var messageOnce = true;
        var sojuszKlan;
        if(klan == "Pamorah" || klan == "MAGNATERIA" || klan == "ARYSTOKRACJA" || klan == "Death Eaters" || klan == "Trusted" || klan == "N N J L" || klan == "Arystokracja Ciemności") sojuszKlan = true;
        else sojuszKlan = false;

        if (!g.battle) {
                if (map.pvp == 2) {
                    if(hero.lvl + 5 >= lvl && lvl >= enemyLvl && !sojuszKlan) {
                        oid = id;
                        if(messageOnce) {
                            message(`Rozpoczęto pościg za: ${g.other[id].nick}!`);
                            messageOnce = false;

        //kolorek dla postaci po najechaniu
        sp.addEventListener("mouseover", function() {
            d.querySelector(`#other${id}`).style.backgroundColor = "rgb(255, 102, 0, 1)";
            d.querySelector(`#other${id}`).style.borderRadius = "7px";
        sp.addEventListener("mouseleave", function() {
            if (g.other[id]) d.querySelector(`#other${id}`).style.backgroundColor = "";

        // dodawanie divow

    //kreacja div'a
    function createDiv() {
        number = 1;
        dane.innerHTML = "";
        for (let i in g.other) {
            let litera = "";
            if (number < 10) litera = `0${number}`;
            else litera = number;
            let o = g.other[i];
            if (o.nick === undefined) continue;
            if (o.clan === undefined) {
                createOtherSpan(litera, o.id, o.nick, "Brak klanu", o.relation, o.lvl, o.prof, o.rights);
            else {
                createOtherSpan(litera, o.id, o.nick, o.clan.name, o.relation, o.lvl, o.prof, o.rights);

    function createMessage(id) {
        let npc = g.npc[id];
        if (npc.wt > 99) {
            szczur.style.display = "block";
            message(`<center>Tytan: ${npc.nick} ${npc.lvl}lvl<br><img src=${npc.icon} /><br>[${npc.x}, ${npc.y}]</center>`);
        } else {
            let odl = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(hero.x - npc.x), 2)) + Math.sqrt(Math.pow(Math.abs(hero.y - npc.y), 2));
            if (!g.battle && odl > 8) {
                mAlert(`<center>Heros:<br><img src=${npc.icon} /><br><b>${npc.nick}</b> ${npc.lvl}lvl<br>${map.name}(${npc.x},${npc.y})<br>Czy chcesz podejść?</center>`, 2, [function() {
                    if (miniMapPlus) {
                        miniMapPlus.searchPath(npc.x, npc.y);
                    } else {
                        window.hero.searchPath1(npc.x, npc.y);

                }, function() {
                    return false;
            } else {
                message(`<center>Heros: ${npc.nick} ${npc.lvl}lvl<br><img src=${npc.icon} /><br>[${npc.x}, ${npc.y}]</center>`);
    //funkcje podstawowe
    parseInput = function(a, b, c) {
        _p(a, b, c);
        //dodanie do tablicy walczacych graczy
        if (a.hasOwnProperty("emo")) {
            for (let i in a.emo) {
                if (a.emo[i].name == "battle" && !walczacy.includes(a.emo[i].source_id)) {
                } else if (a.emo[i].name != "battle" && walczacy.includes(a.emo[i].source_id)) {
                    walczacy.splice(walczacy.indexOf(a.emo[i].source_id), 1);
        d.querySelector("#enepere123").style.width = d.querySelector("#centerbox").style.left;
    newNpc = function(e) {
        for (let i in e) {
            if (e[i].wt > 79 && map.mode != 5 && g.worldname != "experimental" && !tmparr.includes(e[i].id)) {
    hero.run = function() {
        if (oid != 0) {
            if (g.other[oid]) {
                ox = g.other[oid].x;
                oy = g.other[oid].y;
                hx = hero.x;
                hy = hero.y;
                if (!g.battle) {
                    if (Math.abs(hx - ox) <= 2 && Math.abs(hy - oy) <= 2) {
                        if (!walczacy.includes(Number(oid))) _g(`fight&a=attack&id=${oid}`);
                    if (hx != ox || hy != oy) {
                        window.hero.searchPath1(ox, oy);
                } else {
                    oid = 0;
                    // message(`Jest walka!`);
        _r.apply(this, arguments);

    let chudsada;
battleMsg = function(a, b) {
    let ret = _bM(a, b);
    if (a.indexOf("winner=") > -1) {
        if (isUcieczka) {
            isUcieczka = false;
            uciek.style.color = "white";
            uciek.innerHTML = "UCIECZKA";
        chudsada = setInterval(function(){
            } else {
        }, 100);
    return ret;
})(document, parseInput, newNpc, hero.run, battleMsg)
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