
Guest 279 28th Nov, 2022

Name: GMP do 70 proc
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: listas 'Manas, gdy nie expi' | if [$islooting != 1 && $mppc <= 70] {useoncreature '238' 'self'} | {wait 50}
RightCommand: listas 'Manas, gdy nie expi' | if [$islooting != 1 && $mppc <= 70] {useoncreature '238' 'self'} | {wait 50}

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 238 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 550
Text: GMP self ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 238 0 0 0
BkgType: Normal
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 550
Text: GMP    OFF
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: SSA amulecik
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 200 equipammy 3081
RightCommand: auto 200 equipammy 3081

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 3081 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Previous Active
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 170
Text:     ssa ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3081 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 170
Text:    ssa OFF
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Death ring
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Small
LeftCommand: auto 200 equipring 6299
RightCommand: auto 200 equipring 6299

State: Inactive
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 6299 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 135
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 190
Text: D Ring ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 6299 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 140
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 190
Text: D Ring OFF
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 4259584

Name: MW Ratunkowy
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand:  auto 100 listas 'MW Target' | safe {set $y $target.posy | set $x $target.posx | if [$target.posx > $posx] inc $x | if [$target.posx < $posx] dec $x | if [$target.posy > $posy] inc $y | if [$target.posy < $posy] dec $y | {useongroundxyz [3180] [$x] [$y] [$target.posz]}}
RightCommand:  auto 100 listas 'MW Target' | safe {set $y $target.posy | set $x $target.posx | if [$target.posx > $posx] inc $x | if [$target.posx < $posx] dec $x | if [$target.posy > $posy] inc $y | if [$target.posy < $posy] dec $y | {useongroundxyz [3180] [$x] [$y] [$target.posz]}}

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 3180 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 250
Text:    Mw Help
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3180 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 250
Text:    Mw Help
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Utama ciagla
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 200 manashield
RightCommand: auto 200 manashield

State: Inactive
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 1723 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 1949 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 40
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 352
Text: Utamo ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 1723 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 1949 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 40
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 352
Text: Utamo OFF
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Energy Ring
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 200 equipring 3051
RightCommand: auto 200 unequip 'ring' 'empty'

State: Inactive
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3051 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 110
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 350
Text: E ring ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3051 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 110
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 350
Text:  E ring OFF
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Time Ring
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 200 equipring 3053
RightCommand: auto 200 unequip 'ring' 'empty'

State: Inactive
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3053 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 350
Text: T Ring ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3053 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 350
Text: T  Ring OFF
TextColor: 65280
HoverColor: 65280

Name: Anty push
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 100 listas „Anti push enabled” | if [$itemcount.3031 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.3035>= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3035 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.283 >= 1] {dropitems 283 | wait
RightCommand: auto 100 listas „Anti push enabled” | if [$itemcount.3031 >= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3031 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.3035>= 2] {dropitemsxyzamount $posx $posy $posz 3035 2 | wait 300} | if [$itemcount.283 >= 1] {dropitems 283 | wait

State: Inactive
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3031 3035 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 470
Text: Anty push
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3031 3035 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 180
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 470
Text: Anty Push 
TextColor: 65280
HoverColor: 4259584

Name: Collect
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 100 collectitems 'empty' 3555 3388 3414 3031 3035 3725 3043 3492 3447 7368 5801 9019 8090 6529 3051 8097 10384 285 284
RightCommand: auto 100 collectitems 'empty' 3555 3388 3414 3031 3035 3725 3043 3492 3447 7368 5801 9019 8090 6529 3051 8097 10384 285 284

State: Inactive
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3035 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 80
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 470
Text: Collect ON
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3035 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 80
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 470
Text: Collect OFF
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 1 listas 'DASH' | if [$key.37] {usegroundxyz [$posx-4] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.39] {usegroundxyz [$posx+4] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.40] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy+4] $posz | end} if [$key.38] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy-4] $posz | end}
RightCommand: auto 1 listas 'DASH' | if [$key.37] {usegroundxyz [$posx-4] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.39] {usegroundxyz [$posx+4] $posy $posz | end} if [$key.40] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy+4] $posz | end} if [$key.38] {usegroundxyz $posx [$posy-4] $posz | end}

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 6529 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 8648 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 100
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 782
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 6529 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 8648 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 100
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 782
TextColor: 65280
HoverColor: 65280

Name: stronghaste
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 200 listas 'Auto Strong Haste' | if [$mp >= 100 && $inpz==0] stronghaste
RightCommand: auto 200 listas 'Auto Strong Haste' | if [$mp >= 100 && $inpz==0] stronghaste

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 3079 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 8648 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 190
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 780
Text: haste OFF
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3079 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 8648 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 190
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 780
Text: haste ON
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Trzymaj Target
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand:  auto 200 if $attacked set $holdd $attacked | if [$attacked != $holdd && $holdd.hppc != 0] attack $holdd.id | ifnot [$holdd.hppc] clear $holdd | setpos [$screenleft-202] [$screentop+50] | setcolor 206 206 206 | if $holdd displaytext 'Hold Target: [$holdd.name]' | ifnot $holdd displaytext 'Hold Target:  None'
RightCommand:  auto 200 if $attacked set $holdd $attacked | if [$attacked != $holdd && $holdd.hppc != 0] attack $holdd.id | ifnot [$holdd.hppc] clear $holdd | setpos [$screenleft-202] [$screentop+50] | setcolor 206 206 206 | if $holdd displaytext 'Hold Target: [$holdd.name]' | ifnot $holdd displaytext 'Hold Target:  None'

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 9041 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 8647 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 187
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 570
Text: Target Lock
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 9041 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 8647 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 187
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 570
Text: Target ON
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Ostatnia Exiva
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: exivalast
RightCommand: exivalast

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 9538 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 8649 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 190
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 630
Text: Exiva Last
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Center
IconIds: 9538 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 8649 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 190
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 630
Text: Exiva Last
TextColor: 4259584
HoverColor: 65408

Name: Targetting ON / OFF
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'Paused' | settargeting off | setcavebot off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}
RightCommand: if [$targetingon || $waypointson] {statusmessage 'Paused' | settargeting off | setcavebot off | stopattack} else {statusmessage 'Resumed' | settargeting on | setfollowwaypoints on}

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 5798 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 8646 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 185
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 700
Text: Exp-Bot OFF
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Center
IconIds: 5798 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 8646 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 185
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 700
Text: Targeting X
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Paral target
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: auto 2000 mphigher 2600 paralyze target
RightCommand: auto 2000 mphigher 2600 paralyze target

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 3165 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 630
Text: Paral OFF
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3165 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 9158 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 630
Text: Paral ON
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Fire elementale
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: say 'Utevo Res "Fire Elemental'
RightCommand: say 'Utevo Res "Fire Elemental'

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 946 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 2137 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 770
Text: Fire Elemental
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 946 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 2137 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 770
Text: Fire elemental
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: F bomba
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: useoncreature 3192 self
RightCommand: useoncreature 3192 self

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 3192 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 2123 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 700
Text:   F bomba 
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3192 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 2123 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1500
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 700
Text: F Bomba
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255

Name: Poison Bomb
Enabled: yes
DrawAsBackground: no
Size: Large
LeftCommand: useoncreature 3173 self
RightCommand: useoncreature 3173 self

State: Inactive
IconType: Center
IconIds: 3173 0 0 0
BkgType: Center
BkgIds: 2121 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1575
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 700
Text:    P Bomb
TextColor: 16744448
HoverColor: 16744448

State: Active
IconType: Resize
IconIds: 3173 0 0 0
BkgType: Resize
BkgIds: 2121 0 0 0
AlignX: Absolute
PositionX: 1575
AlignY: Absolute
PositionY: 700
Text: P Bomb
TextColor: 255
HoverColor: 255
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